Swag Phenomenal

"SAT night?"

Maybe you should stop dating beverages.

They say journalistic integrity is dead in America these days. If that's the case, then journalistic integrity must have visited Chicago over the July 4th Weekend.

Yeah, I'd definitely watch a lot more soccer if it looked as pretty as this.

"Are you currently falling forever through space? No? Then the ground is doing its job."

"You haven't heard our side of the story yet," responded a Dolphins spokesperson, "we really fucking hate people with cystic fibrosis."

You can tell it's in Australia because the kid spun counter clockwise.

"We find this salacious report from The Guardian to be completely without merit. Frankly, we've covered this ground before and we are well protected in our activities by the Constitution of the United... wait, what? Oh, droves! Ha, droves, ok, got it! Yeah, that's fine. No further comment."

Don't worry — everything will be better when the Khaleesi comes with her dragons.

One of them's Steve Elkington, but I've never seen the other two.

LeBron: Either dunk or get off the pot.

With all the statements, and incessant ranting and raving coming out of A-Rod's mouth, if I didn't know better, I'd think he was trying to make himself horse.

technically you can't say anything in a book unless you're actually picking up the book and talking into it but keep in mind that no one is going to hear you because the book is blocking your voice and also books can't hear

would like to see more of his curve; very athletic midsection; want him to go deeper into the hole; i'm lonely.

So, in other words, the entirety of his problem with John Wall boils down to several public relations gripes. He's saying the Washington Wizards - a professional basketball franchise run by serious people (other than Ernie Grunfeld) - should take John Wall's PR moves into consideration when determining whether he can