Does she ever explain how she posts her blogs in her device-free home? I honestly couldn't finish her article because I was feeling stabby (and I'm a historian with an undue fondness for the period).
Does she ever explain how she posts her blogs in her device-free home? I honestly couldn't finish her article because I was feeling stabby (and I'm a historian with an undue fondness for the period).
I kept looking for some petty bullshit like OMG SHAME ON THESE HIGH-WAISTED JEANS. But everything was justifiably bad, in multiple ways.
If Bubba is going to American high schools to figure out nuclear secrets, you guys are further away from fusion than Iran. Try Germany, but just watch out for those shepherds.
During a segment on Fox News that discussed a study which said Republicans were happier in their marriages compared…
Absolutely. I am struck by the irony of someone who has made a name for himself by releasing classified information refusing to answer questions about his own conduct.
what about people like me, who just use tinder for something to do while on the toilet
My skin doesn’t like the sun.
The really illuminating part of the This American Life show was when they talked about how it’s not just vocal fry that people complain about. Before that, it was uptalk, and before that, it was using “like” too much. And the thing is, with all three of those trends, they’re things that both men and women do, but they…
I experienced a similar situation as an assistant editor of a fledgling health-through-martial-arts magazine in the 90s. When I was piped aboard, I was told that every issue has a centerfold celebrating female martial artists. Looking through the magazine back issues, I noticed that each female martial artist…
Honestly I’m not sure. But I swear I was almost as excited when I saw that notification as I was when I finally got my degree!
Mary Poppins here. I fucking love everyone when I’m drunk and will sway up to you and tell you that you are the best human being alive and I respect you and also you are so pretty and nice that I don’t even deserve to know you, no, don’t look at me, I’m ashamed to have someone as wonderful as you look at me. People…
If anything, I’d be more productive if I had less time to get things done. I work well under time constraints. Give me 9 hours to work per day and I just end up procrastinating and posting on Jezebel.
I’m going to go out on a limb and say that between that entire jokeless and serious monologue of truth-telling and the powerful interview with Malala, that was one of the most impacting things I’ve seen on television in a long time. Bravo, Stewart, for not trying to pull any punches, and proving again why you will be…
Hi! Jorts/Shants Enthusiast Kevin Smith here.
Oh the 90s. I remember just wearing full length fishnet sleeves under everything and suddenly it wasn’t an issue. Goths FTW.
The standing up straight thing is very real. My boobs are huge, and if I stand up straight, it looks like I’m thrusting them out. After being accused of showing off one too many times, it’s easier to slouch.
A 23-year-old Georgia woman named Kenlissia Jones has been charged with murder after trying to self-induce an…