
AAM is amazing, and AGREED.

In my experience, when employers have started treating me “like family” it almost always means that I will be expected to put in emotional labour, for free, either before or after working hours.

On one occasion it meant a pile of cannolis and guilt laden lasagna, but that was just with Nona

When I was behind a bar, our usual mark up on top shelf (which, averaged at the fanciest place I worked about $50/pour) was enough to purchase the bottle from our supplier after between 4 and 6 servings, so say it was a dead centre, a $50/pour comes from a bottle that we would purchase for $250.

While I am confident a

4) Look deeper.

But there isn’t a BidenBro or Bloomberg contingent - we just call them billionaire establishment and every knows they’re suspect af and not to be trusted. We know they’re bad, and that’s what Bernie is supposed to be countering, but without actually calling out* these small, vocal assholes within his fan base he is

You are a Queen. 

Awww, don’t be mean to Kreiger. 

1) You’re equating having to listen to yourself speak to listening to a recoding of yourself. The voice you hear as you speak and the voice you hear on a recording are actually sonically different to your ears, even if they are the same to others, because you’re picking up the vibrations that go through your jaw and


What shitty fucking cops don’t check under the bed?

So very many.

Why does the pic of them at Buckingham look... fake?

Naw, bra. Read the Bible. God’s good with child molsters. As long as they’re adult men touching kids.

Bite model baby! Totally agree. There is a good Youtuber out there who took the BITE model to JWs. Scary shit.

Even without the “I’m a dude” I couldn’t told you it was a guy. Why is it that dudes are so surprised that they need to be more than just “there” in order to do the thing?

Ask nicely - quietly, politely, and then at the end of the meal, tip like you’re a billionaire ball player celebrating winning the world series. 

I would not assume “property damage” as “minor.” Also, I’d venture to guess a) you’re a parent of b) well behaved children, and c) have never been forced to deal with devil children with idiot parents who refuse to acknowledge their hellspawn. Having worked retail (a pet supply store) and as a server (in family, and a

So this happened to me quite some time ago (almost 20 years, wow I feel old!), but I still remember details to this day.

Bless you! Bless you for this thought!

All of the this! Exactly the this! He needs to do better or else we’re gong to get smiling Hitler... I mean Harper.

Kardashian turned a sex tape into a multimillion dollar empire and has many businesses, none of which have ever been bankrupt.