
I’d argue she’s done more than the president has. And made a better profit out of it too.

It says she called - doesn’t say they responded. Like you, I’d like to see how many they responded to in addition to the 200+ calls logged.

“Oxy Powder Colon Cleanse”? Like, Oxy Powder, the stuff I put in my laundry?

You know, I’d probably trust that dude more than Alex Jones and his ilk to begin with.

I understand you are a woman now, but a circumcision happens to a penis, yes? So, how is it FGM if it happens to a male sex organ? From a biological stand point it would be male genital mutilation, no? Since the penis is a “male” organ? 

Also, someone who knows more (perhaps a man with a foreskin) can correct me, but

Facebook knows within 10 seconds that I’ve searched for something on Google and it starts FLOODING my feed. Don’t fucking lie to me and tell me you aren’t also following what I’m looking at on FB like a helicopter parent at a PTA meeting.

I think this story proved most people are apathetic at best, cruel at worst.

Because she’s Bill’s wife and Bill and his office were apparently not all that friendly during his stint as Pres.

Love that. Love it so much I used the l-word. My SIL lives in the area and it’s so fitting!

I think the part about “not to be given without doctor’s recommendation” was covered when the commentor said “My paediatrician recommended...” - though to be sure you should check with your own.

That said, sounds like a recurring stress dream for me. No kids, no desire for kids. Screaming children trigger panic

Okay, as already said, not a parent, so grain of salt.

I feel as if parents are replacing things that aren’t “necessary” far more often than they used to. Sunglasses aren’t “necessary” (a baseball hat will keep the sun out of their eyes). Umbrellas aren’t “necessary” (they’re probably already wearing a rain coat that

I distinctly remember being a child (like... 6?) out with my mom (or my baby sitter, I don’t remember) and complaining I was thirsty. Tough deal, kid. We’re at the park. There is no water. There is no juice. Deal with it. So you know what we did? We dealt with it!

Full disclosure: I’m not a parent, and given the

I remind myself Guyver exists, and that no one is perfect, but he’s pretty effing close.

I took to calling the Romney’s The Commander and Serena Joy.

Oh my God yes! They make such a huge deal out of every little thing, meanwhile every time someone brought up even a legitimate Conservative flub (Barbaric Cultural Practices Hotline, any one? $7.5 million spent on the “Action Plan” advertising?) it’s ignored or brushed off.

They are! Which, ... it’s a family of 5 (7 if you include nannies), who require specialised security at every stage of their journey. Taking 7 people (plus about what? 30 government agents (whose salaries were factored into the price) to a five star resort? The number is massive, but his predecessor spent $45k on a

The paper folding was exceptionally painful.

And any doctor who wishes to be able to prescribe Viagra has to have admitting privileges at the local hospital.


Real allies have fuck all to worry about and this is not the space for your #notallmen argument.

“Male Feminist” = “Nice Guy.”