
I am in fucking tears. Are they going to kill C3PO? I love these new movies. All of them. I have a little altar of Rose, Rey and Jyn that watches me all day. We only go to the theater for Star Wars movies and I have done just buckets of public ugly crying. These movies are a gift to little girls like me who slept with

White meat. Dark meat. All will be carved. Thanksgiving.

If someone put these notes up in my office I wouldn’t feel targeted.


Owing to your first sentence clause, I read your entire story to the tune of Human League’s “Don’t You Want Me,” and then I felt really awkward about that when I got to the end.

So, certainly when a group of guys were harassing a girl and calling her a slut and making up stories about her, the school also put this much effort into stopping that bullying, right?

Captain. Captain. CAPTAIN!”

Honestly, I find the idea that sex work is inherently and uniquely exploitative ridiculous. Because under capitalism, what work isn’t exploitative? Why is it more demeaning for a woman to make money off of sex than any other form of labor?

I can’t wait for the incels to take offense to the Harold character as if hadn’t already been written as a parody of them, decades earlier.

This is the kind of house I envision when I fantasize about being the daughter of a fading peer that’s been tangled up in a murder mystery and has lots of homoerotic tension with the inspector investigating it.

When viewed in the time scales of Arthurian legend, Britain is very much an immigrant nation.

Fuck yes put him in a pod and cast it into the sea. 

Depends what sort of time scale you are talking about, you had Romans then Saxons then Danes then Normans (though most of these were mercenaries from all over). I would think its a lot less than none island nations though.

Guys, learn how to use née in a sentence, please. This is like the third time I’ve seen it misused on this site. Disney (née Fox) not the other way around.

if you really wanted to record the fact that this is the parent that carried and gave birth to the child, ‘gestational parent’ is right there

Putting that plastic bottle in the recycling today probably explains my surprise same sex attraction this afternoon. Excuse me while I go and throw a bunch of aluminum cans in the regular trash. 

Well, I can’t wait until Georgia prosecutes a white, Republican woman for having a miscarriage. Because I’m sure that’s going to happen. /s

Men today: All women are bitches!