
So, I didn’t want to pull this person out of the greys since their comment history seems a bit too troll-y for my comfort, but I do want to quickly shoot down their argument:

I think that editor made a terrible decisions. I’m going to write him or her a letter! That’ll show him or her!

Well for starters you gotta keep in mind that Saudi Arabia is already spread pretty thin what with the attempted genocide in Yemen so they are gonna need a little help if they’re going to be able to commit additional atrocities across the Persian Gulf in Iran. Saudi Arabia’s navy is pretty small(especially for a rich

I thought right-wingers were against participation trophies for loses.

I was having a conversation last night with a friend about the initial casting, and I’m very glad they cast a Black actor as Larry, who in the book is lampshaded heavily as a cultural appropriator.

Ignoring everything else you said for a moment, I have to ask... why did you censor the word “idiot”?

Ace would be SO gay for the Jodie Doctor and it would be glorious.

io9 has been thoroughly progressive.


And here I’d thought her sex doll was involved. Nope!

I’m a bit confused as to why the protesters would sit at the lunch counter? Just form a picket line around the entrance.

As we all know, cyanide traps can easily tell the difference between a coyote, a child, or a household pet. And no child or pet ever goes farther than 100 feet from a road, ever! Find me an example!

Because it’s not about Down Syndrome. If it was about Downs (or any other genetic disorder) there’d be more resources available for parents, but there’s not. Honestly, I think they’re only targeted because Downs kids can be pretty cute? You show a happy child with a slightly off face and not all pain that comes with

Oh sure it looks bad, but that's only because you put exactly what they said into print with the appropriate amount of context around it to get across exactly what they were trying to say!

What a wonderful video. I’m not crying. You’re crying. As a Father who deals with epilepsy and who has a 9 year old daughter who is a huge fan of the Descendant movies his death spooked her. My wife and I spoke to her last night before we all watched the last Descendant movie that Daddy doesn’t suffer the same type of

Quinn comes into the game with a 5 game hitting streak...the batting coach made a slight adjustment to her stance and it seems to be working so far...the count is 0-1, here come the pitch....swing...>crack<....high along the third base line but know Quinn leads the league with singles against right handed

Won’t you come see about me?
I’ll be alone, dancing you know it baby
Tell me your troubles and doubts
Stabbing me everywhere inside and out and
Death’s strange so real in the dark
Think of the tender things that you are pulling out
A chainsaw may cut you apart
When the blade gets into your heart, baby

Don’t you

LOL. You tried. When facts won’t work, when rhetoric won’t work, you can always pretend to be such a delicate flower who gets the vapors over a curt response to somebody suggesting that the concentration camps at the border actually aren’t bad.
“Nobody’s stopping those infants from leaving the center and walking back

“look at the vulgarity, won’t someone think of the children...uh, not those dead children, I don’t care about those...”

It’s time for some vulgarity. I’m done playing nice and pretending that there’s any middle ground here. At least six kids have died in U.S. custody in the past year from torture and neglect at U.S. concentration camps. No kids died in immigration custody in the decade before that. And now American kids are being