
What exactly constitutes a “handout” in this dipshit’s opinion?

I think they believe it’s going to be some peaceful noble thing, like slipping off to sleep after a evening around the fire with loved ones.

What would I give if I could live outside my shelter?

A predicted quote from the Dear Leader:

Both of them suggest the other is a piece of shit and at this point I'm inclined to believe both of them

If that were true, then Terrence Howard would still be playing Rhodey and Edward Norton would be Bruce Banner. I think that if Matt Murdock really were going to be included in the next Spider-Man movie, he wouldn’t be legally available to Marvel Studios before the third quarter of this year because of Netflix’s

No one was prepared...

Except the virus spread slowly through China and Asian countries long, long before it hit America. We knew it would be here and yet we did absolutely nothing to prepare for it, and to top it off, we have made the exact same mistakes that many other countries made long before we did.

Someone’s gonna sell that mood shirt, right?  Because I’m definitely buying one.

They killed their politics blog in the year of a presidential election, and they brought back a sports blog when absolutely no sports are going to be played for months. Absolute brain wizards around here.


Matt Gaetz looks like if Ted Kennedy had sex with Ursula from Little Mermaid.

Reminds me of Bitch Pudding.

Do you not... do you not understand how incredibly and inherently political The Boys is..? The whole premise of the show is about how corporate interests are inextricably tied to American politics, that the Military-Industrial Complex is run amok, and that women’s rights all-too-often take a backseat and are

Diego Luna is not in love with Jabba the Hutt. He just... he just kinda wants to touch him. And that’s valid.

I think this is more loosely based on real historical figures in a similar style to season 1; at least Kerry Bishé is directly channeling Aimee Semple McPherson.

“You can’t buy personality, or respect, or your daddy’s love ... uh, what was I talking about?”

“I felt more like an insider, not an outsider. Before, I felt like I was just living here. Yesterday, I felt like a part of this country. I felt involved, like I was participating.”

Fun fact: I lived in the US for 2 years, routinely spoke my native french everywhere with friends that were here with me, stole one of y’all jobs for a while, and weirdly enough, nobody ever told me to speak english. People usually swooned and squee’d.

But sure, it’s not racist ^^

OK but how do I join W.I.T.C.H

No, because that would be making a fictional story that exagerates aspects of reality to teach against the problem of fictional stories that exagerates aspects of reality.