
I’m a parent in Sweden. There is no way anyone is touching the parental leave. Parents vote you know, and the big parties know how to win easy votes by promising more money to parents. That’s why we have one of the most generous parental leave policies in the world, at every election the parties try to top each

Did her mother frequent any diners, drive-ins and/or dives last year?

This Isn’t For Us!

These aren’t mutually exclusive, you judgmental ass. And i was trying to generate a bit of dark humor, but since that was obviously lost on you, let’s examine, shall we?

Bootiestraps. Missed that the first time around. Nice! 

The babies should pull themselves up by their bootiestraps and stop expecting handouts. 

Since they seem to be so invested in passing laws mandating a century-long prison sentence for doctors who perform abortions, why not impose a similar sentence on fathers who fail to pay child support? We’d see a turnaround in legislation fairly quickly, I’d wager. 

That makes me think the book is finished already. McIlhenny was right, at least about the first book. 

“When the rest of the country may feel hopeless, may feel bleak, they should look to Nevada as the shining beacon that we are for women’s rights,” Democratic Sen. Yvanna Cancela said before the vote.

He did! Spoiler alert: it was almost ruined by a woman the kids thought he was marrying that turned out to be his sister (special guest voice Jane Lynch).

According to at least one dude on every single GoT book thread (but usually more than one), no one cares about the books now, and Martin won’t make any money on them because people got to see the show’s ending. He knows, you see, because he’s no longer interested in reading Martin’s version of the story’s end.

When I was watching that in theater, dreading what I knew was coming the entire time, I felt sorry for the animators who worked on it. Because you know they had to watch hours of cats hawking up hairballs in order to get that motion right.

I grew up in Alabama and was sent to Christian schools for many years. We were taught how the p goes into the v and that you shouldn’t have sex until married or you’d go to hell. There was no education around contraceptives and women were/are shamed about their bodies and made to feel responsible for the sexual

Jenny Trout is currently sporking this (as she did with 50 Shades). It has been pointed out that the story is a ripoff of Poldark.

Doesn’t seem all that accurate of a prophecy. At least not nearly as precise as “Duck”.

Hey. I worked on this movie!

Them: All I know is, if you’re gonna tell me that a child is going to travel the world for eight years training and learning to become a master fighter, I’ll tell you’re being ridiculous.

They didnt come back after the snap due to poor ratings, sorry . . .

This is unfair. Founding brother Cornelius Grabbington Rapeworth donated his family’s ancestral home to the chapter in 1835 on the express condition that Rapehaven retain its traditional name in perpetuity.

I know that those are staged, but I love that little girl’s expression so much.