
Democrats need to get better as selling these kinds of policies as benefiting society as a whole. If the Youngs don’t have student debt, then they’ll buy cars and houses, which creates more jobs than servicing debt. If people get a high-quality free education, they’ll be better employees and less likely to engage in

I almost wish she had had another scene with Jon or Sansa instead.

It’s so infuriating, isn’t it? A couple of years ago, I was at a hearing in my state’s capital with a pro-choice group I;m active in. An OBGYN was testifying against some draconian bill or another (they happen all too often here) and one of the state reps said something to the effect of 50,000 women dying each year.

Hey incel assholes:

It’s the lesser-known Oohlookapennysaurus. 

To quote his father, “Don is, uh”.

The way I know whether or not a show is well written: They take characters that I dislike, loathe, despise, or otherwise think are rotten and they write compelling stories that unfold in such a way that you see some of what led them there to that moment and act the way they do. Beyond that, the stories unfold in ways

A-Wing fuel can’t melt Super Star Destroyer beams!!!

An Imperial superweapon destroyed Alderaan? Fake news! So what if it did? I heard there was a pedophile ring in Bail Organa’s basement.

The 3rd-person parenthetical thanking himself for the “now thriving” Bethlehem, Pennsylvania is truly something.

I’m not THAT much better than that, let’s  be honest.

The Poe/Finn divorce will be heartbreaking.

“Why is it that most people who are against abortion are people you wouldn’t want to fuck in the first place?”

Guys who never get laid always think themselves qualified to comment on women’s bodies, too. Is it hardwired to the Y chromosome?

You clearly know nothing about Michelle Obama.

According to her speech, she had a very successful legal career, beginning at Sidley & Austin, where she worked on marketing and intellectual property law. From there, she became an assistant to the mayor of Chicago and Assistant Commissioner of Planning and Development, before becoming the Executive Director for the

Why can’t we, at this stage, just be able to select from a variety of races/species/sexes at this point? Just pick a main and go. 

Hell, why is it always a human?  Let me play as a Twi’lek or a Bothan or something.  Considering how specieist the Empire is, that would make for some interesting game dynamics.

With Supernatural ending, they can give Constantine his own proper show.