
Someone on Twitter called her David Duke’s maid and that’s how I’m referring to her from now on.

Yea, the high mean age makes me wonder if it is less “getting out in nature” and more “getting out of the house purely for enjoyment” that is benefitting these women. I’m sure my mother and grandmother would have loved to spend more time walking around with their own thoughts and less time having to deal with kids and

I’ve never understood why flight attendants are expected to wear such constricting and uncomfortable clothing, full stop. If, heaven forbid, there is ever an emergency, they’re there to handle the situation. Give me a flight attendant in khakis and a polo who can unfurl an emergency slide and evacuate passengers with

They stick their ponytails up the cars tailpipe when they drive.

Here’s the deal one those too though. I’m a transman. If I use said changing rooms that match my birth certificate/chromosomes, like if its policy or law, guess what you’ll see in the changing room?

What DOESN'T go on in there is the bigger question. I took a leak at work yesterday and ended up in a Greco-Roman wrestling match. 

Now playing

If we’re going to discuss this movie franchise, we must include this beautiful takedown:

Oh hey look, another alt-right troll using BAA as the new Vivian James for your hate boner towards Captian Marvel

Did you even read this article or what she said? She wants a more diverse and inclusive pool of critics and to you that’s a “ Regressive Leftist attitude” in caps for some reason?

Pregnancy is a potential consequence of sex. If a man isn’t prepared to accept that his sexual partner may choose an abortion, he shouldn’t have sex.

Creative punishment: forcibly infect him with a chronic illness that can't be cured, only maintained, hike the price of the med to maintain it, and then dictate that he can only purchase the medicine with money earned working in a midtown McDonald's

Man if you thought that sweet rape money was good, wait til you see the parent-of-a-kid-in-a-sex-cult money!!

I have a hard time with a society that is advanced enough to put a supercomputer in everyone’s pocket, but not advanced enough to feed the 800m people who are starving around the world first.

If they removed all reviews that are hearsay, wouldn’t the site be just a logo and some banner ads?

I’m wearing mine to egg the houses of men who’ve hurt me. 

That seems like a difficult position to enjoy a movie in, let alone making tea. Unless ‘making tea’ is some kind of euphemism

“SJWs being the bastards they tend to be” lmfao imagine being an adult and having this very normal opinion about people who think women and minorities should be treated as equal to white men

Well, these Nazi pedophiles seem friendly enough, why not?’

Men shouldn’t have sex if they’re not prepared to accept that the woman may get an abortion.