
Called it in the last story about this. 2 years puts any new content in mid 2020, roughly 9 months into the new streaming service, plenty of time to burn through the existing half dozen or so original series made for the channel and for Disney to know whether it makes sense to move forward with this venture.

I get the feeling she wants you to ‘fix’ these things so that she can claim they are a lesson about how if you can repair her broken ass trash then you should be able ‘fix’ your relationship with her.

I guess I remember it differently then you.

To be fair Emerald City had gorgeous visuals and passable special effects, both of which would serve tales of the supernatural pretty well.

Knowing Hollywood, it’ll be a white Corgi that production will not see the problem with until the casting details leak and there’s uproar but it’ll be fine because they’ll have it adopted by a Cardigan Welsh Corgi litter. 

You pretty describe Atlantic Park, just with more murder and less meth, though given that it takes place in Maine it’s only slightly less meth.

Am I missing something? Because sounds like a sweetheart deal for both Netflix AND Disney. Netflix gets an audience knowing that these are the last seasons of the shows and lets they hold up past seasons implying they are the only sources for content of these characters while also implying they might not stay up,

But in voice work, actor and character gender don’t always match. That aside, the study methodology mentioned used factors like who’s name is mentioned first in promotional materials. In movies like Zootopia and Wreck-it Ralph, the actors behind the clearly gendered character weren’t really featured in the trailers

Or perhaps they were referring to animated films.

Okay why couldn’t me have gotten more cute adorbs voorpaks instead of those ugly ass porgs?

Or most likely his space ship.

Ironically that while it is not a Cold Duck, it is a Call duck, one of the smallest domestic duck breed.

Yasssssss. Permanent dye doesn’t stay as vibrant as long and it stains the skin so why not just use semi-permanent with a bigger range of colors?

Here’s the dirty little secret these idiots hopes no one catches onto.. the Bible actually says jack shit about abortion. The CLOSEST it comes is in one verse that has been translated as the Lord calling someone to serve while they were in the womb and now these radical Christian extremists have used that as

Very nice review. Much better then the butthurt whine fest that popped up on my front page yesterday. The gist was that in a video game series about DNA hopping secret societies, where you can single handedly fight whole armies yourself, can jump from impossible heights as long as you land in a pile of straw, and see

The mineral oil suggested by all these hacks? You can get it by the gallon for about $20 at farming supply stores in the livestock aisle as mineral oil is used as colic treatment for horses.

He got to idea just overhearing random improbably people talking in totally not fictional hipster coffee shops.

If they create the account, it can only publish what they want and won’t embarrass them in a couple of month by pulling a nanny from the Omen.

I came to post this too!

But... in the very picture you are posting you can see that are differences in the line work, most significantly on the right side of the outlines, something that happens when a right handed person uses a physical medium to trace lines.