
Have you looked aquarium media bags? You should be able to find them in both a traditional draw string bag set up but also a ‘sock’ which is a cylinder, usually with a hard plastic ring in the opening. Just make sure you are getting the mesh style versus the batting ones.

I had a friend who was a Lego magnate. He started out buying sets after the holidays with coupons then sorted them out for ala carte sale. It was so lucrative that he was making more selling Legos then at his ‘real’ job as a programmer. Eventually he upgraded to being able to buy in bulk directly from Lego by the

Sabrina’s got her own show with black jack magic and naked people on Netflix.

And the fact that they managed to make several only -slightly- redressed versions all feel so different from one another is a testament to the puppeteers. 

They have their own Wikipedia page.

As a person who spent far too much time reading Time Life Books about unexplained phenomenon as a child, what I can tell you is that with whales(and to a lesser extent large sharks) when they start to rot weird shit happens. The skin sloughs off then once exposed the softer fatty tissue is eaten away. The blubber and

I’m thinking of taking the ‘fake gamer/geek girl’ attacks verbatim and using them on the idiots who try to recast pop culture in some non existent alt right/conservative light. The same people who are pissed there’s a black chick on Star Trek or think that PC culture is the reason why Batwoman is gay will surely

I bring my own shampoo and have no intention of using the hotel brand stuff but I still take every one of those little toiletries every day I stay in a hotel. Those little bottles shampoo or lotion are great for the donation drives we have for homeless and women’s shelters.

They are the same idiots who think women only get late term abortions because they were too busy slutting around to pop in sooner and the only reason a black person has ever gotten a job over a white candidate is Affirmative Action.

If I had guess, in studio it’s being pitched as a pseudo Ulysses Klaue stand alone movie.

But the reality is no one actually does. We drive to work on roads built and paid for by generations before us to jobs that are safer because of laws passed by our grandfathers and exist because of needs of other people. Our children are educated, transported and fed either directly by our community members or

I actually had this conversation just the other day. The first movie was a pretty ordinary horror flick but the subsequent movies? Weirdly they are reasonably watchable commentaries on the war by the rich and powerful against the ‘other’ even if it’ll kill them in the end. The Purge is the prefect metaphor for the next

Funny how people camped out in front of a medical clinic screaming false information at private individuals, the majority of which have nothing to do with what they are protesting, is considered free speech but telling public officials that their polities are factually cruel to actual living children and making them

St Germain and cheap champagne is my spritz of choice. 

What eggs are to chickens, cheese curds are to cheese. They are little nuggets of freshly birthed cheese, many times still with amniotic whey all over them. They haven’t been aged so they are squishy in a way adult cheese is not and when they are really fresh, they squeak when you bite them.

While there some who would welcome their new robot waifu, there is also a contingent that wants them because in some sort of weird logic trap the existence of the sexbots will make real* women so desperate that they will be forced date men like them. I know, I don’t get it either.

*’real’ is defined by these dudes as

I want to say it was early in the series when Yorrick was still alone and he had jumped on a train transporting one of the last generation of pigs.

Nearest things I can remember was Yorrik meeting a trans man and each mistook the other for another of their own ‘kind’ and a mention by said person that the violently anti-male Amazons were killing trans men. 

Sterling Archer?

It’s so weird that this movie made so much money and is pretty well liked despite all the people swearing up and down that it was going to fail because there was a black chick in it.