
I think the bigger mistake was making Willow gay in the first place.

But Hollywood is ouroboros from it’s birth, repeatedly rebooting/remaking/recasting media(see Predator or Oceans 11 or The Departed) . The only difference is that in 1 out of X number of cases they choose to have a woman or a PoC in a role instead of yet another white guy and everyone freaks the fuck out.

No, it’s darker then that. They want to create a system where girls either don’t know or are actively dissuaded from know they have options beyond marrying her high school boyfriend. They want those high school educated boy saddled with a huge amount of debt and responsible before he’s old enough to drink so he’s

‘Flynee Fisher’? Well I guess it’s one way to get new Miss Fisher Murder Mysteries.  

The basic rule of thumb is a movie has to make back 3 times it’s budget to be considered a success. By those metrics it made more profit then the last Transformers movie or Bladerunner.

They give Danny a mask then they can more easily swap out Finn Jones for a stun performer who can actually make the Iron Fist fight like the second coming of Kung-Fu Jesus he’s suppose to be.

Every time y’all post about the Demimonde, I think you’re talking about the Rod Rees book.

A friend of mine & I had this conversation when as we discussing all the racist stereotypes in the prequels & I pointed out that Watto doesn’t roll on shabbos.

IDK, are you as a grown ass adult mentally unable to purchase and prepare food because your parents made you lunch as a child? No? Then that’s your answer.

It’s a decent enough MMO with a good story and mythos that taps into the same themes as American Gods. Hell Peter Stormare is in both.

Or it could 100% intentional. What’s easier? You can forcible round up every ethnic minority on top of all the religious ones, the scholars, the educated, the revolutionaries, the undesirable that your religious purity demands you to while depriving yourself of a workforce. Or you can show the PoC how bad things

The necklace is actually the letter U with a screw through it. Head on over to Jen’s Epbot(of Cake Wreak’s fame) for a tutorial about making your own version.