"Blarghbergblahgggoooblllubllubblerg" - Blue Ivy
"Blarghbergblahgggoooblllubllubblerg" - Blue Ivy
sisqo fans are the real victim in all of this
Ooooh you caught me being hypocritical! :) I didn't say I don't gobble this shit up; I do, like Cheez-Its.
How is suggesting that the way higher education handles rape is a crisis trolling? It sounds like they're addressing not just the issue that it exists, but the way it's handled?
ok this is spectacular
I feel like we as a society need to have a frank and firm discussion as to what the word "hat" means.
See now I don't agree with this for several reasons (Travolta being the catalyst for Idina being on WWHL). I mean girlfriend just won an Academy award for that bloody, I mean totally uplifting song, she was just nominated for a Tony for If/Then and is getting rave reviews, and she's very "New York" so of course that…
Not being famous outside of the U.S. isn't the same as not being famous. And to imply that she somehow needs the small bit of attention that this minor slip-up gave her is just... silly. She's had a thriving career for ages now.
Bahahaahaha, you have got to be kidding. I'm not even into theater, but even as a teenager I knew her from Rent, and numerous other things since.
You can't be serious. Not much of a theater fan I take it? I know theater actors are not typically as famous as movie stars, but Idina was in the original casts of two of the biggest and longest-running shows of all time.
I am curious: does this mean you wash your pants/shorts after each wearing? Because I think I would be worried about hygiene if I went underwear-less but maintained my current wear-jeans-4-or-5-times-before-washing system.
Don't let cynicism bring you down, young pups. I think the important thing to keep in mind is that what we call a 'dream job' is usually a 'dream field'. If you have discovered a dream field for yourself and a particular job sucks, then plug away at it and build an awesome reputation and you will leap from that shit…
... or men who take advantage of them.
Bahahhahahahhaha, yes, women all communicate interest by using nausea-inducing "sexual nods" while saying no to dates. That story definitely happened exactly as quoted.
Interesting. Wouldn't you think that all of the women here, saying exactly the same thing, might have a better understanding of female behavior and motivations than you do?
Some things are just universal truths. The sky is blue. The earth is round. If a woman says she can't go out with someone because she's just too crazy busy, she isn't interested. At all. Ever.
Your feelings get hurt a bit easily. If my response was a flame to you, then you should avoid internet commenting. It gets so much worse.
I spoke many kind lies when shutting down icky men.
Excuse me, but why would she have any interest in going to prom with an underage teenage boy she doesn't know? It's fucking weird. You should know that by putting a celebrity on the spot like that, it puts them in a position where either they say yes or look horrible and mean for shutting the kid down publicly.
You caught me out! I'm one of those rad-fems who thinks that when a woman is at a school talking about the importance of STEM careers, it's offensive and, frankly, fucking stupid to make a spectacle of her by asking her, publicly, to be your prom date. Essentially, what Pat said was: "Yeah, yeah, enough of the…