I stopped watching Grey's at all consistently around the time that Izzie started thinking she was having sex with Denny's ghost because I hated Denny and found myself overly fixated on how Izzie and Alex Karev were meant to be.
I stopped watching Grey's at all consistently around the time that Izzie started thinking she was having sex with Denny's ghost because I hated Denny and found myself overly fixated on how Izzie and Alex Karev were meant to be.
I'd be shocked if Martha bothered to sit at her computer and typed responses. It was probably her dictating to an assistant or PR person, at best.
I grudgingly like Target for a lot of clothing-related reasons, but have seen precious few plus-sized options which didn't suffer from the usual crap — sequins, glitter, hideous prints, etc.
I'm really interested in what worked for you re: Fassbender's performance in 12 Years a Slave. When my gentleman friend and I saw the movie, we both found him to be borderline cartoonish. The gentleman friend speculated that perhaps there were scenes which made Fassbender uncomfortable — understandable — so he…
I honestly found them to be both pretty reprehensible toward one another, but then, I was also never a fan of their pairing. There's something for telling a story about unhealthy relationships, but never for a moment did I personally get the appeal. Rather than seeing the eye-candy, all I saw were two people (or one…
I agree 100% with everything here, except for the missing bit where Spike abused Buffy just as much as Buffy abused Spike. If nothing else, he tried to rape her.
What gets me is that the guy used to be a makeup artist himself, and yet his red carpet makeup is consistently awful. Awful. Cool it on the blush and eyeliner, Renner, and invest in a stronger style team. You deserve it.
It's the terrible facial hair. And he appears to be one of those people who is telegenic, but not actually photogenic. I've never seen an unphotoshopped picture of him which looked that great. Meanwhile, put him on screen and he's so much fun.
Per Wiki:
It's a reaction which reminds me of the misandry ice cream video. Because somehow, sharing civil rights ~*magically*~ infringes on the preexisting rights which straight white Christians already possessed.
Kinja'd. /sad trombone sound
- "Our rights are being whittled away in favor of gay rights."
I dunno, man. With a wife who doesn't seem to have hit menopause, a teenage daughter, and a second daughter who looks old enough to have her period... that seemed like a totally reasonable stockpile to me.
I'd say Frank Miller is only good entertainment if you cherry-pick from his collected work. He's become progressively nastier over the years, and while True Detective has a certain problem with female characters, I'd say its misogyny is nowhere near Frank Miller's level.
Ignoring all the weird and creepy stuff.
Correct. If you're ruler-straight, low-rise jeans are probably going to look great. If you have some hip and/or ass working, high-waisted jeans are a godsend. (I am wearing a pair right now. The fact that there's no gap at the back and I don't have to constantly hoik 'em up is joyful.) And mid-rise tends to suit…
I think it depends on what you're after. I asked the Jezzie commentariat to recommend well-written romance novels a couple weeks back and got tons of responses. If you want, I can link you to that thread.
Basically. It is written poorly, and is just plain bad all around. I don't fault anyone for wanting to read smutty books, but there's got to be better ones out there.
Oprah hopes that the Fifty Shades of Grey movie is "filthier than the book."