
Ophthalmologist: Something wrong?

CX-5 bebing a little too big is a funny statement :p

The CX-5 gets a pass in my book.

Do you hate all crossovers? We just had a baby and CX-5 and its competitors fit exactly what we needed. Cars like WRX were too small for the baby seats, full suv’s too large, most mid size sedans are meh. For people like us who wanted teh smallest vehicle we could fit in with a baby seat crossovers were exactly that.

America I swear to Baby Jesus if we elect the man that the Dalai Lama is mocking we don’t deserve nice things ever again.

If you build a big, beautiful, wall to keep us out, can you build it down to, say, Fairfax, Virginia? Just asking.

As the greatest country on earth and the driver of the world’s biggest entertainment industry, we saw Canada and London with their crazy mayors getting lots of attention and decided we had to get one of those for ourselves, just bigger, better, and for the top billing job.

That’s nice. We’ll arrest you if you come over btw.

This was weird - nobody had any idea in the immediate aftermath where De Grasse finished. CBC only announced it maybe ten seconds after the race. I feel like this was either done for show, or they had Bailey do this to a replay.

But Canada got bronze! That’s just like gold to us!

I’m always amused when Dilfer bloviates with Steve Young standing right there. Young always gives him this look like, “What in the fuck are you saying?”

I stopped when he said: I’m a hunter. Good-motherfucking-nite.

Fair enough. Go ‘tors! (Or Raps!)

I kinda get why all the big names kept leaving Toronto, but still find it strange since they were treated like fucking kings in Canada and never amounted to shit after they left (Bosh at least had the sense to ride LeBron and Wade’s coattails to a few rings).

Tim Duncan stayed and the Spurs won a shitload of titles.

Pretty sure mine was the Exxon Valdez oil spill. I was in first grade, I think?

Rangers could have taken Claude Giroux back in ‘06. Instead, we got Bobby Sanguinetti.

And, of course, we Rangers fans are left watching Dan Girardi patrol the blue line for another 25 seasons.