
Easy way to solve this: all media reports should headline contract offers with the guaranteed money. That’s it. No one is getting a 6/$114 million contract and seeing the whole thing through. Just report the guarantee and that’s it. The rest is puffery.

Ali is certainly a class of his own, but Ted Williams, Joe DiMaggio and Pat Tillman also gave years of their life (in Tillmans case, all of them) to “fight” for what they believed in. This is not to denigrate Ali, what he did, in my mind, is no less brave or important than what those others did.

Judge: Mr. Snuka can you tell the jury when you first experienced the headaches that caused your dementia?

I’m a Toronto sports fan. It’s all I have.

Super weird that the team with the 4th best record in the regular season is in the final four.

Be chill. Resist the urge to do everything Vegas offers each night. There will be one guy in your party who will constantly wanting to do something else, drinking, gambling, dining, clubs. He’ll stress you out. Ignore him.

It’s the best...TV just can’t do it justice.

So tragic, another Dolphin getting caught up in the net.

Nice Underhanded Bern

Man he hit that like it was 16!

Cripes, my boxers cover more area than that. And they let children watch that shit?

Sock height longer than inseam or GTFO.

Those are not short basketball shorts. These are short basketball shorts.

I googled him and theres loads of pics of him and Lena Dunham. So I assume he is one of those worst humans alive type people?

who is he anyways? Working out is fun

Man, she’s going to be really disappointed when she finds out how little time he spends in the pocket.

I am convinced that if I don’t drink coffee every day, I would never poop.

Pound for pound, Mazda is probably the best car company around right now.