Jesus kid get your nudes from the internet like the rest of us.
Jesus kid get your nudes from the internet like the rest of us.
I’m not a Repub. But I do care about the truth.
I *AM* a huge fan of Hillary, yet I would note that the video is apparently edited between when he says he created the committee, and then says her numbers are down.
Good for her. There's no reason for her to take that shit.
Since the Pacific Ocean formed? I dunno. This is a tough question to answer.
What about those stupid parachutes people run with? I saw some dumbass running with a mask AND parachute this morning.
The fiscal year ends soon (like 2 weeks), and without a budget passed no government agency can spend any money in the new fiscal year. So they don’t need to pass anything to shut it down, they just need to not pass a budget.
I used to work in the dorms in undergrad, and part of the work was making sure that students weren’t so drunk that they could safely go to bed. I had to call an EMT on students at least twice, and at least once we had a student who passed muster only to lose control of their bowels upstairs. Facilities was “thrilled.”
Maybe for a hysterical encore she can take a dump on a pizzeria floor! Ha ha ha! Drinking until you can’t control your bodily functions is so cool! Bet the yogurt shop staff thought it was a real hoot too.
Yeah, accuse me of being an unamused old, but this is gross behaviour...
Homeless junkie pees on yogurt shop floor = sad and pathetic, needs help.
Read that as Whoopi Goldberg tits.
Right. Those children were so specific and vitriolic that there is only one source that stuff could’ve been coming from.
“These 20-somethings that don’t go to college!” lol. Got news for ya kid, someday you’re gonna have tits too, so you may want to rein in your use of the word “disgusting.”
Oh hey parents, it’s okay to let your kids parrot your beliefs about how “disgusting” naked ladies are until they start saying all that offensive classist stuff that you say in private... yeah, then it gets uncomfortable.
No, no, it wasn’t about slavery tho, it was about heritage. ;D
The shooter was 21 years old. As much fun as it is to say all the racist/sexist/homophobic etc etc problems in our society can be solved by simply waiting for all our Olds to die off, these mentalities are very much alive and well in people our age and younger, as this man demonstrates.
This problem can’t be solved by…
With white people bending over backwards to make excuses for a dude that literally said he killed black people because he was a racist, we have a looong way to go.
She still has cats, but they are for feeding her alligators!