
America you were started by a bunch of genocidal psycho Christians, who are you to complain about other countries.


No, but it definitely makes me a bad person that I knew he's a douchebag because he's a criminal defense attorney whose last name is DiBenedetto.

I dunno, The Craft struck me as a rather reactionary screed against the dangers of female agency, and a ham-fisted one at that. Magic becomes a metaphor in the movie for young girls attempting to wield agency in a world that tramples them down, and in each case, while it seems fun at first, their attempts to shape

This photo made me flip my shit. I spent about ten continuous seconds laughing.

These must be the same scientists who came out with the study that said swallowing semen was good for your health. Be on the lookout for a study touting the benefits of unprotected anal sex in maintaining a healthy digestive tract.

Have any of you ever been so (un)fortunate as to actually see this guy in person? I have. It was fittingly surreal. See, I didn't just see him ranting. When I saw him, he was standing in front of Macy's Herald Square in his Elmo costume flipping his shit and screaming at this other person who was just standing there.

The conflation of violence and sexuality here does not sit easily with me. I can see what they were going for, but it was done poorly, and reminds me more of sexual assault than safe sex.


Do you teach Krav Maga or something similar? Because that sounds a lot like the philosophy behind Krav Maga.

I remember once talking to a friend and referring to a mutual acquaintance as an asshole. My friend's response was "Well, he's really not. He just acts like one all the time."

Honestly, it's faster and easier just to kick someone in the side of the knee and blow out their meniscus.

Nabokov never won a Nobel? That's just criminal. I don't hate Hemingway, but what the fuck.

While Hemingway is probably overrated, and there's no denying that he was a misogynistic douche, one very valuable (and influential!) element of his writing is how he strove to strip it down to its absolute bare essentials. His novels don't do this very well, but many of his short stories are masterpieces of

Aaaaaand a further reading of the Wikipedia article reveals to me that, sadly, Landis's career was *not* derailed by his responsibility for the deaths of three human beings because he wanted to tell a White Messiah story. *sigh*

John Landis is the director whose career was (rightly) derailed after he willfully ignored California safety and child labor laws on the set of The Twilight Zone, resulting in the death of three actors, two of whom were children (working illegally!) that were decapitated by a stray helicopter blade. Presumably, he

At the risk of sounding patronizing, I grew up in South Texas, and sassy old Latinas are some of the most awesome people ever.

Yeah, that person was full of shit. I've seen endomorphic girls who can kick the back of their skulls and leap six feet above the ground. That's hyperbole, of course, but it's closer to the truth than the bullshit line of "only skinny girls can do ballet." About the only element of truth in that rather specious

I really hope this spins out into something sustainable and long-term, even though the pessimist in me doubts it will. For a long time now, I've worked in the work-study program at a very reputable dance studio on the Upper West Side in NYC—basically, it's a program where poor students like me pull two shifts a week

I hope I can one day find something as special as what you two share.