
This is a pristine example of why Verne Lundquist is so great. He's not over the top, and his "Oh!" "WOW!" ejaculations are completely earnest—because that's what we, the viewers, are yelling too.

"The Lord has forsaken me. The Lord has forgotten me." Wile E. Coyote, Super Genius.

Best Klans In Baseball

This argument makes very little sense. There are many, many injustices in the world, and there is no rule that we must address them starting with most to least grievous. If so, we fall down this slippery slope to a place where the only thing we are allowed to criticize is murder, or genocide. I mean, it sounds dumb,

Hah. No, Disney would just annihilate the NFL. They work on a completely different corporate level. The NFL can't get a football team into LA. Disney gets enormous theme parks built in China. IN CHINA. That involves working a system that Goodell couldn't even begin to comprehend.

Compared to who exactly? Peter King? Mike Florio? Jay Glazer? The fact that TMZ broke this story says more about the feeble sports press than it does on TMZ or the public.

I really like Olbermann so just in case it looks like I'm sticking up for him, I am. He's only been fired once and he won a lawsuit because of it.

Rice ranked (updated):

"Hey everybody! How about that great Thursday Night Football game tomorrow night huh? That'd be a good way to put all of this domestic abuse stuff behind us! We've got the...Bal...itmore....Ray....uh.... PITTSBURGH STEELERS playing. Who doesn't want to watch Ben Roth....less....damn it."

GOODELL: Hey, how bout that Redskins name controversy, I'd love to talk about that now. I say, let's change it! Who's with me??

I'm not even going to try to transcribe what is said here

Wow. Who knew that Jeter's biggest intangible of all was actually the baseball itself.


These fucking idiots are ALL awful. Fuck Peter King, fuck the NFL, fuck Roger Gooddell, fuck the Ravens, fuck Rice's lawyer, fuck Steve Smith, fuck Schefter, fuck Harbaugh, fuck everyone who defended Ray Rice and/or tried to pin some of the blame on Janay, and most of all, fuck Ray Motherfucking Rice.

"Better after there is completely damning evidence released that will destroy our brand than never."