
Holy shit do you need to take a step back.

Goddamn do you need to lighten up. They didn’t actually spoil anything unless you think it’s wrong to say there’s a cool trailer for the Avengers in the next episode of Preacher... and if you do think it’s wrong, you gotta lighten up.

Relax, you’re calling someone an asshole because they told you there was an end credits scene? You are wound way too tight.

I don’t think spoilers mean what you think it means.... it’s like getting pissed off because someone says there’s a cool trailer for Avengers in the next episode of Preacher. Relax already.

This only works if you assume that people cannot distinguish fact from fiction. Yes, there is a lot of shit going on in the world but do you really think the ugliness would be less if Netflix doesn’t do this show? Some people are bad people and Punisher has nothing to do with that. But you keep on hot takin’.

Idiot... people can’t be bothered anymore with the red herring bullshit peeps like you puke up on a regular basis. Yup, I called you “peeps”... I hope your bigot vein is popping as a result.

wow, could you be more of a fool?

You win the moronic comment of the day award. I can’t be bothered explaining just how wrong you are so I leave you with this..... idiot.

Pretty sure the entire premise of the article is that ignoring a politicians stance on minorities in order to save yourself some tax dollars makes you just as guilty of bigotry as the bigoted politician. Comprehension is key.

Yup, because she didn’t spend her campaign belittling minorities, poor people, women, and war heroes. Lesser of two evils. And if that is all you got to hang your hat on, it pretty much proves how wrong you are.

So the solution is to vote for someone who you know will not help? You’re an idiot. And, you... are so much a part of the problem you should just stay home.

If you are inciting the one fan to do what he does then you absolutely are guilty. Now, you can try to pretend that this guy didn’t incite people there or before they got there but nobody is that gullible to believe you.

So now people who stand against bigotry are the tolerant left? Shouldn’t we all stand against that? Did anyone on the right get arrested for what they were saying? No. Just because people have the right to say what they want doesn’t mean they can say it without consequences. And, last I looked, attacking counter

Freedom of speech doesn’t mean what you think it means. How about you get yourself an education and stop acting like a whiny little bitch. Say whatever you got to say and in the process show all adults around you what a moron you are. This country is going to be so done with people like you in no time.

It would be a smart idea for you to learn punctuation... I’d also tell you to pull your head out of your ass but I suspect you like the taste too much to actually do it.

Yeah, because the majority of domestic violence victims have historically stood up to their abusers.

What? What? Why does she have “every reason to collude”?

Neither does exercising the American right to protest but there you are implying it does.

Holy christ you can’t be that dumb... the stumbling around, shaky legs wasn’t a clue?

So if I go to a pre-screening and then post the twist ending to my blog, I don’t have to say “Spoiler Alert” any more?