
Except HRC at least had middle class roots. Something people tend to forget.

One minute longer and you’d have start seeing goals.

No, actually you don’t get it you collosal idiot. The problem is that by and large, the fanbase refuses to acknowledge the role everyone other than Sandusky played in that mess and continually play the victim. Until that happens, Penn State deserves to be constantly reminded of the numerous kids that are the true

No no no... you, sir, are the true idiot.

If you’re so certain, why don’t you provide links yourself?

In any attack, you take the gun out of the person’s hand and give them a knife and more people live. It isn’t the gun’s fault but the gun plays a large enough role that it should be part of the conversation. But yes, getting hyperbolic is definitely the better choice for you.

You are a perfect example of what’s wrong in this country, you fail to grasp even the basic concepts. If you don’t understand what people mean by privilege in this context, you are part of the problem. Calling someone “privileged” in this context does not mean they were born with a silver spoon though I suspect you

They can respond but fuck them anyway, they certainly have no right to be taken seriously. And fuck you for defending them.

And the arogant cycle repeats..... what’s it going to take for you to learn that there are a lot of angry people out there that like Trump?

Ah yeah, the lazy man argument... “It will still exist so why bother?” Good for you.

Nope again... idiot.

I dare you to show some proof of those “people” saying that. I bet you can’t.

Ah, now you’re resorting to hyberbole... the last sign of desparation. IF you were paying attention, and clearly you were not, nobody said Comey was working for Russia. He announced the inquirey because certain factions within the FBI were leaking it anyway to swing votes towards Trump. Once again.... idiot.

No, you’re not sure. You have no proof to back up your claim yet you let some fatass on the radio tell you how you’re supposed to think. My god pull your head out of your ass.

Yes, because the two candidates are clearly similar in most ways. I defy you to find a perfect candidate in your lifetime. The reality is the differences between the two are the size of the Grand Canyon, you’re just too stupid or too lazy to see it. Idiot.

I can’t tell if you’re playing along with the joke or it went right over your head. Well done.

Except that people of Indian decent are not a different race than white. So, yes, it can still be blamed on “Caucasian” but nice try. You should look up the difference between race and ethnicity.

Agree with the sentement but not the list, take off Giants, they’re at least watchable for the drama.... and you forgot the Texans.

Travel east on I 80 from Chicago through to PA and you get a lot of those tollbooths. Not that unusual.

“Confrontational and inflammatory behavior is never tolerated and is unacceptable at Ravens home games”