Good god you try so hard, I’ll give you that much.
Good god you try so hard, I’ll give you that much.
Personally I like how the point of all this goes so far over your head while you keep thinking you’re clever. Cards suck, Cards fans suck more.
It’s still a better situation than anything the right wing culture has to offer.
I can never take any of your rankings even remotely serious anymore now that I’ve seen you buffoons rank both Baltimore and Pittsburgh ahead of Minneapolis. I also have a problem with Seattle being so high on the list considering their insufferable football fans leaves a lot of ground to make up for in other areas. I…
Fuck the Cardinals and fuck their fans. Wait, not all fans..
Can always tell a Cards fan by the lack of quality english skills.
You should have just typed “I’m a dude and my dudeness is threatened by women” and saved us all the trouble.
I would have killed for a “Stupid is as stupid does” line instead.
It has nothing to do with the”suit” she wears. Geezus there’s plenty of sexism right in front of your face without having to manufacture it. Women wear lots of different things at the Oscars! That’s all he was saying... holy crap.
wow did that go over your head, he didn’t say women are asking for it, he simply said there’s more variety in women’s choice of gown and, as a result, they get that question. Geez
A more likely scenario is that there are not as many of you as you think there are.
Wow, his comment hit a little too close to home did it? Take your head out of the sand.
Way to completely miss the “hypothetical” in this hypothetical.
Indepth about what? His death? The replacement process? The former doesn’t need a lot of depth and the latter is a long drawn out process. I don’t get why people need a special page for any of it.... he was a justice that a lot of people hated, and a lot of people liked.... that’s pretty much all there is to it.
12 Inch Black Destruction
What was unclear? The fact that he said GS went up one in the win column or the 105 - 108 when standard is 108 - 105? Just because YOU don’t catch on doesn’t mean it’s “unclear” .
Butthurt is as butthurt does. It was brilliant, as most people are saying. Admit you feel burned because you didn’t get it and move on.
His point is valid you nitwit. Once readership reaches a certain level, you realize you’re not going to satisfy everyone so why worry about it. That’s just common sense shit.
You’re one of those “moral victory” guys? There was absolutely no “L” in that post. That’s like saying I get the L because I gave you a drivers test that you failed.
Yes, yes they are.