
Geezus you couldn’t be more wrong. Most men are not.

There was no dismisal there, and fuck you.... not all men are like that. Get off your high horse. There’s genuine issues that deserve serious action but you don’t help any of that by saying what you said. Tool.

I’ll give you the spelling issue but no, the analogy is not to Magic. He did once, famously, in the finals. Jabbar did it all the time. But hey, snarky comments look good no matter how much of an idiot you make yourself out to be right?

Pretty sure the same can be said about you only twofold.

Good god you’re a moron. It doesn’t even occur to you that if that video had not gotten out, the falsified police report would still stand, the keystone cop review board’s decision of “justifiable” would still be truth, and the numerous cops who actually saw it would still be silent. If you can’t get your head wrapped

+1 with Olive Oil nights.

Doesn’t make me wrong.

I’ll take that over the juvenile shit you continue to puke out. Face it, you’re guilty of the very shit you were complaining about, and your sense of self superiority isn’t going to change that fact. Since I’ve made my point, and anyone reading this will see you are not mentally equiped to recognize how deep you

Doesn’t make me wrong idiot

The candygram is nothing compared to the sweet sweet taste of pointing out someone’s complaining of general stereotypes while using general stereotypes.

You’re lack of answer speaks volumes. Douche.

As someone from the midwest, fuck you. And how is your generalization any better than the dude that yelled “muslims suck”?

Please don’t ever stop using “Krapsnaps Bazingas”. Ever. I need this to get through my day.

I was willing to believe until you said “Fith Amendment”. How did he incriminate himself? Also, the constitution applies to government vs. people... not private party to private party. In other words, the government cannot infringe on your free speech but an employer can fire you for saying something they don’t want

Please god stop saying “greg hardy someone’s ass”. It’s wrong on so many levels but I suppose that escapes you or you wouldn’t have said it in the first place.

You clearly have no clue what you’re talking about. Since your use of “big government”, I’m guessing you listen to a lot of right wing radio so there’s no point in trying to get you to think outside the giant cesspool of a bubble you happily swim in.

I bet you couldn’t come up with 3 polls that support what you’re saying. Go ahead, show them.... and I mean 3 polls not paid for by Snyder. You’re full of shit.

One of the duties of the head of any university is to take student concerns seriously. By your logic, a police chief should not be fired when cops decide to skip patrols and crime goes up.

Thank you for the standard “kids these days” response. Holy crap I thought that kind of thought process was dying. And really, considering how the current generation has royally fucked things up, do you blame them for acting the way they do?

If by misleading you mean “lack of reading comprehension” and by story you mean “you”, then yes.... you’re spot on. Did your computer suddenly blank out the part where it says the school revoked his scholarship?