
Actually no, you don’t get to walk back now. Own your shit. There are truly legitimate PC concerns in the world and all people like you do is cloud them with nonsense like you wrote. You took the time to make that your initial comment so there’s no “All I was trying to...”. Idiot.

THE MESSAGE IS THE SAME! Everyone reading it got it. Do you really think someone read that and went “eh, she’s not a person”? Seriously do you really think that? Good god get over yourself.

This is why I’m tired of the PC crowd. The overall message was the same regardless of order yet this is still an issue with you? Geezus.

Yet here you are sucking up their content. Doesn’t that make you part of the problem you’re bitching about?

+1 for Simpsons reference then pour one out for the long slow death of the Simpsons.

How dare you suggest such a thing, you can bend right over so I can whup your ass with my kuiper belt goddammit.

Minnesota is the correct answer for most anything.

God I hope he sues... I don’t ask for much from fate but just this one time please please please put the ginger hammer on the stand... please!

Spoken like a true SEC chump who just can’t get past the fact that they don’t have the national champion in their conference.

So yeah, in a 13+ year career, and at a time when she is doing some amazing things, you have to piss on all of it over that one incident? How does someone become such a curmudgeony bitch like you? You couldn’t have possibly been born that way.

I’m pretty sure he didn’t say that. Nevertheless, you don’t think it’s a dickish move to brag about keeping that deposit on something like that?

Not that I needed any confirmation on this but am I the only one who feels like every time this dude releases a statement lately his language style is so juvenile? It sounds like he’s running for class president and not President of the United States.

Yes, the public has an understanding. It’s not rocket science. “Would I rather have ultimately a half a billion dollars spent on roads and old bridges or give it to a very rich man so we can have a basketball team?”. I think the reason people don’t want it to go to a vote is because they realize the public actually

Non of which you’ll see because that revenue is going to “pay” for the new arena. Either way you’re screwed. The difference is rather than spend ultimately a half a billion dollars on an arena to make a few very rich people even richer, you could spend it on schools and make a bunch of kids grow up smarter (just one

Actually it doesn’t and anyone telling you that is bullshitting. There isn’t a single company out there basing their decisions on the proffessional leagues available in that city unless they are making money off that league. If Milwaulkee is more attractive to a company than Chicago, they’re going to be in Milwalkee


My bad, totally misread that

And more importantly, right now..... yes, they are clearly a garbage organization. The original comment that started this thread was asking if the Spurs are the best organization in sports. “Are” is present tense. Stop living in the past man.


Except that not every team has nots of money.