
Jesus could you be more of a dick? Someone wants to do something nice for someone else, a total stranger at that, and you still manage to suck the goodness out of it. Ass.

But you're ignoring one fact, his is not a normal life. By that I mean this... I have no doubt there are all kinds of 20 somethings drinking as much as he does... I know I did. The difference is my parents didn't know about it like his does. My antics were not plastered all over the news and ESPN and if they had

Just because good karma is never going to come your way doesn't mean it's fake.

I'm gonna go with FSU alumn?

Some people get together and do a nice thing for someone who could use it and some commenters can't get their head around it. Just wanted to give a big "Fuck You" to all the curmudgeons commenting...

That's some sweet right there. +1

The story is that they didn't do what they were trained to do and assess the situation. And, you're conveniently forgetting that Ohio is an open carry state so do not try to spin this into something it isn't. Are we supposed to believe that in an open carry state this was the first time the cops came across an armed

You should also take into account that Ohio is an open carry state so someone brandishing a gun isn't an out of the ordinary situation. They pulled up, and without hesitated, executed someone simply because they couldn't be bothered to be actual, you know... police officers.

Good points but I'm certain the police would need to take more than 2 SECONDS to assess the situation. The "shoot first and figure it out" mentality has to stop, not to mention the notion that police can do whatever they want and be protected. Shooting that kid 2 seconds after they've arrived is just wrong.....

Are you fucking kidding? Police react poorly and we're all just supposed to bend over and take it? It was 3 fucking seconds you moron. AND in an open carry state no less. You're an idiot.

I do not want to live in a world where it's okay for cops to shoot someone within 3 seconds of arriving on the scene, there is no possible way they could have assessed the situation and just decided "shoot first".

Either way it's still laughable.

That one went right over your head didn't it......

Coward, and no 18 year old is a "career" anything idiot

You're a coward

What he said.... though I prefer pig shit.

Yes, because that would have made it less creepy.

Wow, that's not creepy at all.

Says the guy reading the "shitty" website.