
Publish the known, proven details and let the reader draw conclusions.... as in punching a cop in the face does not mean you deserve to die. The attempt to document might just lead to a clearer picture of how many cops promote the "shoot first and ask questions later" mentality. Because of the traditional "blue

Right, because calling someone out on being stupid, insensitive, and nonsensical on a story is just stupid right?

Defensive POY's in the SEC years past have gone much higher than he did. Statistically his draft position was an anomaly. I'm not saying it translates into a good football player but looking at it from a strictly draft position standpoint, he was chumped. Also, comparing defensive POY to Tebow (QB position being a

Dr. Seuss references always get +1

You sir, clearly have not been paying attention and for that you deserve to be called Douchebag.

Except... you know, they're not mocking it.

I know right? Working your ass off to become one of the best basketball players ever doesn't require massive egos or anything like that. Clearly he's unique from all the other NBA players in that regard.

I'm certain watching the fights would not change my opinion. What White did, justified or not, calls into question the integrity of his sport more than a bad judge. He should have stayed out of it and simply never hired that dude to judge another event.

Good music is good music to some people... at least the people that don't live in jaded land.

Actually I do.

Taking a realistic viewpoint is now the loser way? How delusional are you?

Isn't ripping on a guy who's clearly the more realistic of two people in a debate more embarrassing though? Seems like it would be....

Some of them are good indications of how men sound after their testicles are removed but nothing beats the subtle awesomeness of "Whoomp.. there it is!"

Yes, if you completely ignore the fact that he spins everything regardless of his own factual accuracy... if that's coherent I'd rather not be.

Actually doing it before every break doesn't mean he's not being insensitive. I think you're confusing habit with human emotion when it comes to that idiot.

Subtle - making use of clever and indirect methods to achieve something.

He said a "subtle" tribute, not a "secret" tribute. It still applies.

So, consider this.... a building catches fire, a passerby runs into the burning building to see if anyone is trapped and ends up being killed by the fire him/herself. The death of that person should be ignored in any subsequent charges to the owner of the building? What if it was determined that the owner could have

You're not a douchebag at all.....

Right, and making seat belt laws didn't make all traffic fatalities go away either but it was worth doing. Making smoking laws won't make all lung cancer go away either but it's worth doing. Rosa Parks refusing to change seats didn't make racism go away but it was worth standing up in support of her intent. Any of