
All the stars for that post is still not enough stars.  

Light this motherfucker on fire, put him out. Light him up again.

Yup, this.   I like the look, it does need the rear wing though. 

I don’t mean components purchased at Fry’s, nothing wrong there. I mean the old Fry’s branded PC’s from the early/mid 2000's with the awesome BTC motherboards.  Those things should've shipped with hazard labels on them. 

As a former Newegg Category Manager, I can guarantee two things. One, Newegg bought these at a very low price, but in good faith. As many shady things I’ve seen them pull, deliberately selling defective products is not one. Two, Gigabyte has an office within walking distance of Newegg HQ. There have already been

Fuck those bugs.  They're in Florida as well. 

Lol, agreed on both. 

I also firmly believe that if a white person drops the N word, hard R or not, The Purge horn should sound and all bets are off for 10 minutes

Peckerwood always made me laugh whenever I heard it.

“Secondly, where the hell is this lady hanging out where “everybody” is saying “nigger” all willy-nilly?”

Yup, this. If Trump’s kids weren’t intimately involved in the Presidency, no one would have given two shits about them. Hell, before he was running I had only heard of Ivanka.


“But I’m sure boys sit around all day talking about their penises,” Jada responds.

I borrowed a copy from Capt. Jack Sparrow.  Solid Meh. 

For the 14 people still playing RDO. 

A series is great, but I would 100% be down for a Dora Milaje movie. 

You about to lose your job, get this dance...

That’s a really good question actually. 

This should have way more stars.  All the stars..