I could totally duplicate that, up until she took her first step.
I could totally duplicate that, up until she took her first step.
I know it'll never happen, but I would absolutely vote for her for President.
You forgot Legend!
I disagreed with President Obama on several things. This is not one of them.
MTG is the textbook definition of Batshit Crazy, but I think she’d be willing to throw punches. Real punches If for no other reason than the almost equally Batshit Crazy people who like her would absolutely fucking love it. She's an absolute wacko, but I've got $50 on her in a fight with AOC.
Dear Lord, this. So much this.
Exactly, if she had just been freakier in the sack way more often, he never would have wanted to look at kid porn. Totally her fault
These games have a story?
Too late to edit, but I wanted to add this in. I hope she wins the lawsuit and is reinstated. She sounds like an amazing teacher that we desperately need more of.
So, throwing this out here and if I’m wrong then I’m wrong. I agree that there shouldn’t be a black lives matter flag in the classroom. What I would have done instead is hang a photo (with the families permission) of Reginald with the caption His Life Mattered. I say this because to some people, BLM has become a…
He's always been an idiot, it's just so over the top now. I've got $50 on Joy though, Carlson would certainly get his ass whupped.
Because kids are 1. Dumb. Especially highschool aged kids. 2. Don't pay attention to stuff like this until it happens to them.
Oh man, I can't even come up with the words of how awesome to would be if Rudy rolled over on Trump.
Just wait till it's declared a mistrial because of what Maxine Waters among others said. How much you want to bet his sentence gets drastically reduced / overturned.
Nope! Been watching it for a few minutes now. Love it.
Learned to play in the Navy. Spent many many hours on cruise playing Spades. Now I need to go teach my kids.
SO MUCH THIS!!! People seem to forget that the Government doesn’t just wave a wand and the money fairy comes by with sacks of cash. We will be paying for these stimulus packages in taxes for years. My kids will be paying for this.
Im terrified that this isn't going to be as good as I remember the first one being.
Who do I need to blow to get these leaked to the public?
Very disappointed. I thought for sure this was somehow going to involve Total Recall. 🤣