
This response here... Ok, if you don’t like the pilot flying your plane, do you REALLY want that pilot to fail at his job? There are some policies that Trump has I agree with, there are many more that I don’t. However, the consequences of a failed Presidency are far more disastrous than a successful Presidency that

People are overreacting to this by a huge margin. This is not the apocalypse, this is not the end of America as we know it. Some people are acting this way. The people who are, are a big part of the National problem. I don’t like Trump in the slightest. I would never have picked him to represent this country that I

Because at the end of the day she’s still a white Multi-millionaire who will make even more on the speech circuit. Now she has less stress, less responsibility, and still has Secret Service protection for life. How would you not be ok in her shoes?

Who’s going to be deported?

Ok, since I’m standing in a long line with nothing better to do. How is Trump a rapist? Can you please list place and date of his conviction?

Yes, thanks Trump. Nothing bad has ever happened to Gay people or Muslims before Nov 8th. Come on man.

What I meant was, and this should be obvious, you haven’t been raped by the election. America has had far worse Presidents than Trump. We’ll pull through. Who knows, he might even do a decent job.

Sorry, but that’s exactly what this is. Hillary lost, Trump won. I’m not thrilled with it either but sitting there crying about it two days later helps no one or nothing.

You don’t know me or anything about me. Spouting stupid nonsense about how I would react to a rape victim? Really? You haven’t been raped, the Country hasn’t been raped. Way to marginalize rape victims pal.

Who’s been killed or endangered? People need to calm the eff down. There won’t be any LGBTQ rehabilitation death camps, Muslims aren’t going to be deported, everyone go take your Xanax and relax.

So what do you do then? Sit in your little corner and cry for 4 years? How does that help the country? How does that help ANYTHING? Get off your ass and go do something positive.

Because KFC is delicious.

JFC. If you’re sitting at your desk crying over this then you’re part of the problem. Trump sucks but he won. If this is so devastating to you get off your ass and go do something about it. Email your Congressperson, write a letter, put up a sign, start a group in your community, DO SOMETHING other than sit there

Forbes estimates his net worth at $3.7 Billion. Not really sure where you’re getting your info from.

Hillary is very Pro-Choice and Pro-LGBTQ. That’s very very anti-Catholic. My best bud at work is Mexican (I’m in Los Angeles), and he straight up said there was no way in hell he or any of his family would vote for Hillary. Same with alot of the Cubans in Florida. LOTS of Catholics there. Less of a “We like Trump”

Most Latinos are Catholic

He’s a Billionaire?

You realize most Hispanics are devout Catholics and will not vote for someone who is Pro-Choice/ Pro LGBTQRSTUV marriage right?


I would so much rather see Michelle Obama in the White house than Hillary. There are many many conservatives that feel the same way.