
Believe it or not, you’re not the enemy to Millions of Conservatives. Even if Trump wins, he won’t be able to do anything ridiculous and stupid. Most of us really do believe in the Constitution that all men (people, I’m quoting here) are created equal. Most of us don’t care what race/religion/creed you are.

Umm, easy. Jill Stein is crazy.

No he’s not. Most of the Republicans I know are voting 3rd party, writing in a name or voting Hillary. There are so many of us who are disgusted by Trump and just about everything he stands for.

Actually, a vote for no one is a vote for no one.

Yeah, it’s just at my age (42) you wouldn’t think you’d need to explain that kind of thing to people you know.

Hah, probably.

Where did I say I supported Jill Stein?

It’s irrational to say that if I’m voting for someone I support their stances and beliefs? That’s an interesting concept.

It bothers me a lot because he’s a giant bag of shit.

Agreed. Some people are almost beyond help.

Ah right. Exactly. And believe me, not friends. Acquaintances.

I’ll admit it’s late and I’m tired, so I don’t see what you’re referring to. Please explain?

I didn’t say she was guilty of any wrongdoing in that affair, but it was certainly a scandal, and drew the attention of the nation. It also began to highlight the issues Hillary has with transparency, and that IS a problem. But fine, remove that from the equation, how do you justify all the rest. Hillary is deeply

It’s sad that the KKK and white supremacists exist as an entity.

Agreed. There are points from both candidates I agree with, and many points I don’t. Same for Obama, and the previous Presidents. We’ve lost the ability to be open minded and we’ve forgotten how to compromise. We as a nation have taken on a My way or the Highway mindset, and it’s tearing us apart.

No argument that he’s a piece of garbage, but she really is a piece of work herself. Remember she and Bill were best buds with Trump when he was doing/saying all these things coming out in the media. Look at all the things she said about the women who accused Bill of sexual harrasment. They’re right up there with

Los Angeles, and if you had read my other post you’ll see where I said I despise Trump as well.

I was going to reply with actual content, but then I read some of your other posts and realized that content wouldn’t be understood. Enjoy your day, the crayons and blunted scissors are to the left.

I also know several guys who are voting for Trump because and I quote “What’s Hillary gonna do as President when she goes on the rag?” These aren’t friends mind you. Just acquaintances.

I’m irrationally drawn to this post.