
No, the core essence of free speech is that, by design, the government cannot prevent you from saying things. That does not mean, and has never meant, that you won't pay a price for your opinions, that people won't hate you, find you impossible to work with, etc. It doesn't even, and never has meant, that the

It was a poor choice. This is not complicated. The author of the post did a halfass job of adopting an inane style that distracts the reader. That's a major failure as a writer and it was compounded and exaggerated by the way he meandered from plural to singular and back.

Japan is the best, Japan are dangerous.

Are you trying to be difficult?

I'm not agreeing with you. At all.

As an editor I can assure you that the meandering back and forth between usages is very wrong. I can also assure you that his problem with grammar is also very wrong.

The Heat and the Thunder are also team names that are singular.

Yeah, I would like to think that, but I'm pretty sure it's just shoddy writing done by a variety of people who didn't take time to coordinate on style. But now I'm fascinated by it.

Except a key component of free speech has ALWAYS been the requirement that you take responsibility for what you say. You may be able to say whatever you want anonymously, but the system survives because while people have the right to say what they want, the awareness that the will be held responsible by their peers

Meandering refers to the fact that it can't pick one style and stick with it. If you're going to use the wildly incorrect plural to describe a singular team, at least do it throughout. Don't switch when you get bored.

So is there no apparent decision on whether to use the wretched plural form for the singular country name — this post has it in places, the Greece post has it in bizarre places and other posts are all over the map? What gives?

Even if we're using stupid British soccer jargon, it'd be Greece has, because we're talking about the country, not the soccer "side" or their "kits". Or whatever.

Ugh, thanks for the hint — I looked it up and found what you're talking about... That's dumb because:

The whole fucking post meanders back and forth between are/is and has/have.

Why are Greece sometimes plural in the post and sometime is not?

Yeah, of course, try to buy the tickets... but when StubHub says it was an accident, don't act all hurt.

I think guys should be held to standards for their clothing as well... I think in professional and educational environments, everyone should be dressed in a way that matches the seriousness of their surroundings... no revealing clothes, no drooping pants, no hats, etc. I think that's completely reasonable, but maybe

I don't think there's anything unreasonable about asking students to dress professionally, for what is, essentially, a professional environment. I really don't think it's an unreasonable request. Maybe there's a way these requests can be rephrased to emphasize professionalism.

You know, I really didn't see the big deal until he failed to mail the glove set in a timely fashion. That is no way of a youth flag-football commissioner to act. NO WAY.

Donald Sterling also took over the Clippers in San Diego with the express prohibition against moving them to Los Angeles. And he was actually kicked out of the league for doing it. But no one followed up.