
They should just play the game when it's convenient for them, not when fans want to see it or there's an opening in the media schedule... I mean, fuck the fans and the media, this professional athlete doesn't want to feel hot!

Yes, so what if he gets a lot less than $2 billion after taxes. He gets punished, he gets banished from sight and a major blow against racism is struck. Glad you finally agree. It's been fun teaching you a lesson.

So, while I do appreciate your time in typing YOUR treatise, you're just reasserting that Sterling isn't getting much of a financial punishment, and that it doesn't compare to the major civil rights movements. Okay.

Well, first of all, he (or rather his daughter) didn't get as much as he might have — if this was the moment he wanted to sell, he would be voluntarily selling right now, not dragging his feet. So, there clearly is a punishment here for him — not the least of which is that capital gains tax.

Eh, probably just the same five racists repeating like crazy.

You're SO right... we should've just let him keep the team and all those black players and fans should just go fuck themselves, amirite?!?!?!

You were laughing your ass off.

Yeah, you should go back — there's residential units and they've redeveloped (redeveloping) the mess of industrial lots to the east of the stadium... I'll make it down for 5 or 6 more games this season, and I'll go down there for at least as many non-baseball events...

I actually think that on the scale of public stadium projects this was a better deal... the park isn't the driver of the development, it's just a piece and they do seem committed to developing the other parcels and making it less of a shithole (see removing the cement plant). I mean, yeah, it's a developer giveaway,

I was referring to the whole Yards Park development — there's already a bunch of new shit and there's shortly going to be a lot of shit there.

Sure there is, but there's waterfront property, cheap land, a metro stop, easy access to the highway and its geographically close to Barracks Row. There's tons of room for DC to expand, this is just it right now.

The area around Nats Park is doing pretty good, but it's not because of the stadium.

Doesn't matter if you host the Olympics, there's no female speedskater who wants to fuck you. They'll all be like, "The sexy Olympic Village is on this recliner, and you have to sit on the beanbag chair and not watch."

The good news is that someone else's gigantic waste of money on the Winter Olympics might get another two weeks of use!

100 percent of Braves fans would probably like the Cobb County taxpayers to make every game free, but that's not the fucking question.

What? That Coby guy and the redheaded fellow Alexi Lala not on the team? Pretty bizarre they would leave off the biggest US soccer stars... do they want no one to watch this shit?

Or, it sounds like they're not the kind of prosecutors who say things like: "Yeahhhh... we got enough... I mean, what could go wrong — between national media attention and his high-priced attorneys? I think we've got this in the bag, everyone take the rest of the day off!"

One of the big problems is that nobody does dog autopsies... why would you? Was it bad jerky that killed them or just about anything else? So there's no way to know how many dogs really have died from this.

A girl's car? No... most people think it's a gay man's car.

Miata drivers.