
...So when does the war start, and where is the safest country to emmigrate to..? Asking for a friend..

Haven’t had an episode in a long time. One of the last ones was 2007-2008 something like that. Happened when I went to take a nap after work...Eyes were open & I couldn’t move, but I could see people moving around in the bedroom going in & out carrying equipment (the ppl had no faces). Then music started from the

Evenings, Sun-Th. Hot showers for destressing. I also feel like I get a chance to sleep in at least 20-30 minutes more in the morning before I have to really get up ‘n go to work. Weekends are a bit different. Usually won’t shower Friday night, usually don’t shower at all on Saturday (unless I’m going out somewhere) &

Eugh. Hated Schumacher’s take on Batman. Forever was (obviously) better than the Clooney one though. But not as great as Batman & Batman Returns. I remember going to Forever being so excited to see the next installment after Burton’s movies, & was so let down.

Yes! Do it. What’s there to lose at this point? If anything, it will give the trump presidency less power for the next four years of horror because he of this (or one can hope)

I have that grill. Bought it a while back but at a slightly higher price (darn).For the most part it’s great. my only complaint with it is grease that splatters when grilling hamburgers or bacon, or chicken, especially from the back of the device. Easy to clean up, but still a bit of an annoyance. 

I have that grill. Bought it a while back but at a slightly higher price (darn).For the most part it’s great. my

I have a facebook page, but almost never tune in to it, so I missed all these fake news stories (thank God). Facebook kinda stresses me out. My whole family had an ‘intervention’ with me as to why I don’t use it. They made me feel guilty. So I used it again for a few months. Got stressed out. Stopped using it. Will

P Terry’s or Burger Fi. Have never counted them, but I’d guess there are more than 98 fries given. One can make a meal out of just the fries at either place.

Ohh. Just as most people have said, Kerrygold. It’s my butter of choice (I like the unsalted & also the garlic & herb). Best tasting one out there. I’ve started buying it in place of other butters. I’ll pay extra for it. It’s worth it.

Yeah...husband doesn’t want to do that. I would be happy if all our DVD’s would be consolidated in one place, but husband isn’t interested in doing that. Certain bookshelves all over our apartment are dedicated to certain directors, or a genre, all Christmas movies are kept in a box in the closet;

We’ve ripped some movies here & there, then sold the discs, but I’m not gonna do that with everything.

It doesn’t die. It never dies..

I’d love to be able to do something like that, but we don’t have the space, so have to stick to digital & I’m too impatitent to wait for discs in the mail & too lazy to go to Redbox.

Can we talk about that here? If so, there’s still TPB, has most of the stuff KAT had, RARBG’s good for more current stuff & there’s what’s it called? Extratorrent? I think?

Aaand that’s where torrenting comes in. Subscribe to a few serivces you really want, ‘acquire’ the rest of them thru alternate means.

Eup. If I can’t find a movie I want to watch somewhere in one of my paid streaming services (ie Netflix, Amazon Prime, Hulu, HBOGo) I find alternative means to watch it.

ohhhh . I LOVE THIS SHOW!!! Yeah, a bit corny but the cast made it worthwhile. I revisited it not long ago & found I still really love it.

Heh. Other dangers. Washing dishes & one falls in the sink, walking outside while it’s raining (or right after it rained) & one falls into a puddle, washing hands after going to the bathroom & one falls into the sink and down the drain, taking a bath, & one falls into the bath.

Well, this would have been more useful to know TWO YEARS AGO, YAHOO!!! WTF? At any rate, my yahoo acct is really one I use when I want to have an email to sign up for stuff. It’s full of spam & newsletters, stuff I don’t care about. I did go & update my password...last time I did it was end of 2014 at any rate. Also

There’s nothing like a McRib. Extra pickles, extra sauce. Although I have an intolerance to gluten, I make special arrangements once a year to allow myself one of these...even tho there are consequences the next day, it’s sooooo worth it. (And that’s why I make it a long weekend. Eat one on Thursday night, take Friday