
He’s not feral. We think he was abandoned at some point & has been hunting to stay alive for most of his life. When I took him to the vet, they believed he’s right around 5 years old (and he’s already been neutered). He’s very friendly towards humans, adults & dogs (He adores dogs. We think he may have been in a home

Our kitty, we think, was abandoned at some point & began living off the kindness of strangers, eating birds & mice. Before he turned to us, he lived on the porch of a neighbor before she moved away. Before she left, she asked us if we could take him & she gave us all his stuff.

Had a goldfish. It died.

Yeah. He’s neutered. I have an electric toothbrush & no medicine cabinet. He specifically targeted me, tho since the Husband’s toothbrush is out as well & he didn’t touch his. (I take him to the vet, brush him, play with him, let him in & out, feed him...and yet, he prefers my Husband over me. *sigh*)

Easier said than done to make an outdoors kitty into an indoors kitty only. Became the owner—erm became owned by a stray that kept coming around for about a year before I adopted him. Tried to keep him indoors. He sprayed my toothbrush. Decided I’d let him be an indoor/outdoor kitty instead. He’s quite happy with this

I can see 8 of them. The bottom 4 & the middle 4 at once...

I personally don’t really care about the headphone jack on my phone & if it was gone I wouldn’t even really notice. I very rarely use it. Only once in a while do I hook it up to my car to listen to music. 97% of the time I use bluetooth headphones. I love that I’m wireless & can walk around w/0 having to take my phone

Hahah. I tried some of the DIY puzzles at least for treats for my kitty. I basically got a “WTF is this?” look & he walked away. He may not need any puzzles since he is an indoor/outdoor cat (and catches birds & lizards for fun), but I thought it might be interesting to see how he does on a puzzle. He knows where the

Ohh! Journeman & Constantine! Loved them.

Damn. Terminator, Sarah Connor Chronicles was awesome. That & the new Bionic Woman.

This is really dating me, but Max Headroom. When I tuned in I loved that show. It was killed too early.

Yes! When I discovered it I loved it. Never having ever seen any other Stargate TV show (although I do remember the movie).

I see the face, now, but when I first saw it, it looked like boobs to me.. O.O

You’re lucky with the no leaks. I haven’t been as lucky...but life changing for most days, you bet. I think about those commercials now where they show a woman wearing white pants, shorts, skirt, whatever & she’s on her period. Or she’ll be dancing around...I never understood....until the cup. Now I get it. I even

This will be a TMI post Beware:

omg. I just laughed so hard at that GIF. Everyone at work is now staring at me. *slinks behind computer monitor*

Hahaha I’ve done this and recently. Watched Love Boat (well what I could find of it), Fantasy Island, Dukes of Hazzard, Wonder Woman, Six Million Dollar Man, Bionic Woman, Starsky & Hutch, Magnum PI and Knight Rider. Dear god Husband & I laughed through all of them something fierce. I think I ended up enjoying Knight

Not a bad idea...I usually am pretty good about not overdoing it at restaurants...unless it’s Tex-Mex. Corn chips, salsa, are my downfall. I could make a meal out of only chips & salsa--eat these every day for every meal. Until recently I always overdid it. I was diagnosed w/IBS, and if I eat too much a few hours

I like chocolate, I like avocados. Few years ago, I found a similar recipe. I was so excited to take the first bite. It looked soooo delicious & smelled delicious. That first was disgusting.

I also subscribe to not see ads...which is great, but, they still will cut the show as if they are going to commercial then they come back after a moment. It’s really annoying.