
*hugs Ting* Been with them going on 3 years now. Came from Sprint where I was paying $150+ 2 phones unlimited on contract. Cut my bill down to averaging between $50-$60/mo. That’s two phones, using around 1GB data (combined) or so. Usually a lot less data. Also, we don’t call people a lot, instead prefer to use texts.

Well, that sucks. Meh. Not that big of a deal, Not gonna worry about installing it. If it ever shows up in the play store for US’ers I’ll then look at it again.

Yeah, me too. I have a Lollipop device too, and it’s still not compatible. What gives..?

I’m so excited I get to call an angry customer who’s ha issues with their bill. I’m so excited I get to speak in front of a large group of people....No. Nope. Just no. That’s not gonna work work for me. I’ll stick with anxiety.

I had to read the title twice because the first time I thought it really was talking about the Beatles...And I was intrigued. Not so much any more. (lol)

Funny. I get sick & a bit nervous if I sit anywhere forward of the wing. Being able to see the cabin in front of me move up & down, or sideways, whatever way the pilot is turning helps me out. I always choose on or just behind the wing. It might be louder, but it drowns out any talking, babies crying, what-have-you.

Same thing here.

Oh, goodie...More collector calls for the person who had my cell phone number before me..*sigh*

I remember when that movie came out & I loved it. I’ll definitely tune in to this series. Hope it’s good.

I was hoping for just on more Craig Bond movie, & then he can be done...

I recently was acquired by a cat. He was a stray that kept coming around, our home, sitting on our patio & would sneak in if doors were open, he just wanted to be loved & chose myself & my husband to be ‘it.’

Yup. I just read about that over the weekend. Fox owns the term ‘Mutant’ so Marvel can’t use it in the movie-world. That’s why the backstory for Scarlet Witch & Quicksilver was changed. (I guess in the comics they’re the offspring of Magneto, while in the movie world it was changed to Hydra ‘creating’ or bringing

Well, shit. I’ve actually had very good luck with Time Warner for going on 20 years. I’m probably the only one of their customers that actually likes them for the most part. They always took care of whatever problem I called with asap, fixed all issues within a good timeframe, and were friendly to me on the phone

Awww. No love for the Blu Studio Energy? Battery is 5000 mAH. I’ve been able to go up to 3 days w/o charging before (light to med use). Although average is about 1.5-2 days (med to heavy use). So the selling point of that phone is the battery life....otherwise unless it’s rooted, it can really suck — I say this as a

Adywan. Do a google search for Adywan. His version is the only one I watch any more. He’s in process of working on his edition of the Empire Strikes Back. which, I hope will be available soon.

I wish I had known this...A few years ago I was transported to a hospital in an ambulance & thought it was covered by my insurance...and the way the nurses, medics, doctors made it sound, it was required to ride in the ambulance....I only found out after the $1500 bill for the 20-minute ride came that I could have

How timely. I just got back from the dentist...An unscheduled appointment. Had a small popcorn husk thing-y stuck between the wisdom tooth & the gumline. It was there for a week. No matter how much brushing flossing, picking it with needle or fingernail would remove it...until today. Ahhh. The relief, finally. It’s

My parents have had flip phones for about 7 years. They never gave the cellphone numbers out to anyone since these were for emergency use only...until recently when they started to use them as daily phones. Up until then, they used a landline, which is no more. Only no one could leave them messages on the flip phones

That was a great story...and you’re definitely evil

I went to lunch @ work, & we have CNN on in our breakroom — no sound, the headline is US Military Blimp Close to Ground...and they’ve been covering it for the past 20-30 minutes. Must be a somewhat slow news day there..