
Me, too.

I pray for the death of donald trump on a regular basis.

Yeah, but for a lower price, are you getting the same amount of smug superiority?

I’m just about 25 miles northeast of Houston... it’s pretty horrible here. Our town is now an isolated island, no way in or out since all the roadways are flooded. Our area is one that has received less rain than most and we’ve had over 20 inches of rain in 48 hours and it just won’t stop.Just continuous downpours.

I don’t know what to tell you. Sorry our hurricane is boring?

But the EMALS!

1. He’ll never run for President.
2. He’ll never get the nomination.
3. He’ll never win the Presidency.
4. He’ll never create a co-dependency of our nuclear arsenal with a foreign entity.

Yep. Coupled with the fact that Congress has made it possible to reduce any federal employee’s salary to $1 and to zero out programs in the budget, Trump & the GOP are going to shred the federal government and entrench right-wing ideology among what’s left. They will make it near impossible for the next Democratic

The biggest check on executive power is not congress or the Supreme Court- it is bureaucratic resistance. Trump is trying to eliminate that barrier-

lol emails brah.

It’s interesting how all of the Trump voters have practically disappeared from the comment sections. Fucking cowards.

Typical libtard media over-reacting.

Oh fucking fuck me. Fuck this. Fuck Trump. Fuck anyone who voted for him. I don’t give a shit if you like to hear it, Trump voters. You just steered our country directly toward the pits of hell, and if your feelings are hurt by me telling you that, good. Maybe you will think next time you vote instead of pulling the

I’m pretty sure this, like climate change, is a Chinese conspiracy.

Let it burn. They opted to burn the country down with their votes, so they can be first.

This is all quite poetic. Last week, the Southeast voted to figuratively burn it all to the ground and this week the Southeast is literally burning to the ground.

They know it exists, they just believe Jesus is responsible for it, not man.

Karma’s way of telling the South that climate change exists?

Enough already. If you’re going to obsess about Clinton’s email server then let’s get it all out in the open and ask what happened to the 22 million emails the Bush administration lost, on their private server, in the lead-up to, and during the Iraq war.

I cannot believe I need to repeat myself.