
Ill bring popcorn!

Mind if I join the rowboat?

I completely agree with what you’re saying but let’s be honest neither you or I are their target audience.  We are content to play the game and if we get some sweet loot, sweet, but we won’t thirst for it and be tempted to drop lots of cash to get items.  There are those however who will easily dump $170 to get

Protip: They almost always give out 2x the maximum screening tickets because they expect a lot of people will no show because it was free. This happens all of the time. Arrive extra early for screenings. 

And all fairly recent characters.

You’re suggesting that if he hid his struggles with mental illness he’d be doing a lot better? 

What is it you’re trying to say here? 

it will be a cold day in hell before I give up my wood burning fireplace.

I was really on board with you from reading the Headline, but I wasn’t really concerned with those things you mentioned in the article. I just think she is a bad voice actor and gave a very bland performance. I think that’s more of valid reason for her to not be in MK. Cause it pertains to the game. Not the history of

Dude seemed annoying as fuck to me.  Definitely not a person I would want to hang out with, his speech mannerisms would drive me nuts.

How so, still seems like the very definition of a “cosmetic” to me, it doesn’t add health or item slots... what am I missing?

reading the article by Yussef Cole, they explicitely accuse the devs of Cuphead to be whitewashing history. The only way I can take that is them claiming Cuphead must address the racist side of 1930s animation in the game.

But Yussef Cole’s article which is quoted verbatim and treated as gospel truth sure does seem to imply that it shouldn’t exist or the game should have done something about it, which is unreasonable. 

As a “gamer of color” I’m immensely glad they removed the “garbage” and kept the technical mastery and attention to detail. My eyes can’t roll far enough back in my skull at the (largely) white critics complaining (!!!) that they adhered to the artistic style and removed the racist overtones. I can’t thank them

What the hell? Do you want them to have a disclaimer that says:

There’s no winning here.

How? Give an example.

Or that you can borrow from the past in ways that don’t try to pretend the bad stuff didn’t happen or wasn’t a part of it.

Should everything ever that references something old have a disclaimer that says ‘in this era people were racist/sexist/etc’?

Obviously keeping the racist undertones would be bad. But not having them is also bad? Should everything ever that references something old have a disclaimer that says ‘in this era people were racist/sexist/etc’? Hell, considering how shitty people still are, even that could be considered whitewashing by suggesting

“It’s not correct if it does not have this.” “But that is frown on by today’s world” “Then it is not TRUE era art.” ...I guess?