
Remember when all of the internet blogs thought this was a stupid product and no one would buy it? 

This is such a disappointment. I know the first ones online is still there but man I love this gameplay for LoU2 and was excited about how it could evolve in online. Wasn’t expecting a Live Service. Sad to read that is the factor that killed it. Damn.. 

I don’t understand the argument here. TLoU P2 was the fastest selling playstation game of all time for the ps4 at release. Whether folks enjoy the story or not - it was a cultural event. As was the TV show.

I think this is exactly the point. Words on a screen cost studios nothing. If it ultimately doesn’t matter — why omit anyone? Just because it’s a practice that is practiced doesn’t make it an okay practice.

Broke in pool 4 this morning. I really love this card game. I know it’s so easy for them to fuck it up -- but so far so very good. The 50$ card packs are just wild but whales can keep them. 

Agreed. Matt really should be a part of both of these pictures. Just because he’s not on podcasts with the team doesn’t mean he shouldn’t be included here. 

There are more owners of RT then just Geoff and Burnie. It’s weird to single out just these two people as as well, especially when there are folks who are sitll at the company and MORE relevant to the story. Burnie is not void of fault here but he also shouldn’t be the face of the entire thing.

From what has been said by Alanah Pearce -- the current crew and state of Funhaus is great. The working conditions is hard to know what is going on exactly but the team themselves are wonderful. I do hope for the best with the Funhaus team.

Honestly? Yea.. this.. This is straight up torture porn with children. It’s fuckin’ gross.  

“i also mention in the blog that there are spoilers for ugly sonic’s particular scene but i mean i get it: the image tells the entire story”

If you truly feel the image tells the entire story — put the image in the spoilers section. Bad take.

I think the benefits would have to be the trick right? You see full benefits at 20% less work?

Interesting that folks would make 20% less by default. Wouldn’t that mean folks would need to make up that deficit elsewhere? It’s kind of like a no duh for the company with very little sacrifice for them— why wouldn’t they want to pay 20% less, and still get most of the same work each week? Would make more sense for

Always going to take an opportunity jump into a dog pile on how... they really released a halo game with so few maps. And they are so fucking boring too.

While I get the sentiment -- I genuinely think this is not true. Halo players LOVE old maps. That’s why they remake them in every existing Halo game. 

Going to echo the same thing I’ve said on just about every Halo article: lack of maps is killing this game. For such a long delay — why did Halo not just grab from any of the previous games to even do a simple remake of maps. BTB maps are probably the most imaginative but perpetually broken. This is just silly ya’ll.

Happy for the Pros. Though -- map volume is genuinely the biggest problem I have with this game. Is there a road map for when they might be dropping additional ones?

Dramatic internet comment aside -- serious take: The maps all remind me of Halo 4 and that’s not a good thing. I really would love something that feel as good as anything from Halo 3 or 2. Honestly the Big Team Battle ones are fine. But all of the arena maps are so boring. 

Please — for the love of god — drop new maps. I am so fucking bored. Bring back an old favorite. Work off those 70 billion big ones — Start importing all those Call of Duty maps or whatever. Import the whole world of warcraft. I don’t care. I just want something other than training circle and bad rocket launch C

To be clear — there are NFT’s you can ‘own’ all the rights to. There are examples where NFT’s bring real world value and experiences. This is not one of them.

If you could buy a COD skin and use that COD skin indefinitly in all future multiplayer games or something akin to this kind of environment — neat. If you can

Silencing a complaint? This is not silencing a complaint. Silencing a complaint would be me telling Ari to delete the article and your comment. Stop pretending my comment is.

I’ll bring you out of the grey to remind you that this is a consumer consuming material for free and still complaining about it. ‘This free