
Louis CK’s act is to be the opposite of PC. Don’t confuse that with people who are legitimately disgusting humans. If you had any integrity you would remove his picture.

Your mileage may vary.

Car horn is the best thing about the patch.

That’s what I’m saying. This is some school yard shit.

unathletic nerd writer gloating that a beefy pro athlete lost in a nerd thing

What’s with all the shade though?

I honestly got 2/3rds of the way through this thinking there was some buildup to a joke. No, you really are that cartoonish.

Yes, because the entire game development world should be structured around what you enjoy playing and what games you deem “real” and which are “faddish.” Nevermind that Dota2 makes $18m in revenue every month (and League of Legends $135m/mo), directly contradicting your ridiculous notions about “killing the industry

Kinda worried, there was no destruction like the first trailer had. Maybe they realized cloud based destruction was not financially feasible.

If you assume there is more then why write the summary to suggest that it “only turns up a dog tag”? Even reading the article you say,

For hating Halo’s lack of mental acumen, you didn’t put a lot of mental effort into this response

What an annoying response.

Ok, now you guys sound like crusty old white men on twitter...

The DS4 is literally perfect.

Watched his vid yesterday and can’t say I agree with his arguments. Half of his reasoning was that people need to move around to use it.. Sterling had surgery and can’t move to much. It’s true that that kind of inhibits his gaming experience for VR but using that as the reason for why it won’t get popular is idiotic

Yeah, we’d hate for the tech to, like, evolve or improve or anything.

grow the fuck up.

So that’s HTC Vive money... why would I chose this over the Vive?

Is George Takei replacing the Plinketto board?