I killed him in game one. I thought he was dumb. If my Kaiden was in ME3 he better be a zombie.
I killed him in game one. I thought he was dumb. If my Kaiden was in ME3 he better be a zombie.
I own both. You know. Just incase for situations like these. That and I actually like both systems. PS3 for its interface and smoother play (usually) and xbox for the online community.
I'm liking what I'm seeing and hearing abut this game.
I believe in heavy rain, when you die, you die. I always thought that was an interesting take on it.
A year and a half ago I was taking summer classes. My dad was out of town so that my mom could have a 'moms weekend' with her girlfriends but I needed to stay behind to continue classes, not a big deal. I was to stay at my grandmothers for about a week and a half. I brought with me 2 weeks worth of clothes, only the…
There will be area specifically towards Bosses. Like you fight boss after boss....
woops, edit: already noted
Ever since the Iron Man, everybody wants the robot heart.
Cinematic Multiplayer=Killzone 3? At least thats the only game I can think of that does it.
I was not originally open to the concept. Doesn't sound like prey (shouldn't be prey 2, should be more like Prey: Bounty Hunter.....yea its dumb, thats why I'm not on a marketing team but at least its not trying to be a sequel, it would just say it would take place in the universe....ANYWAY)
bah. All kinda looks the same to me.
Thank you. Glad someone else thought of this.
PC-only, obviously. I dont see how its obviously PC. lulz.
Heard about that. Or something along those lines. Though if your around BWI you could go to the one in Baltimore.
There was an article posted a few weeks ago saying that they will probably sell for 250(?) or 300 for without wifi. and then 300 or 350 with wifi. I honestly can't remember the real numbers but it wont be a grand.
In MD we dont have Sonics. So when I was in High School me and my friends would travel an hour and a half to get a Sonic Burger...
This is really smart. Others should take note...
Hm. Well I wasn't real happy with Resistense 2. But from what I've heard it sounds like they're fixing what was wrong. Count me in. Certainly looks like it plays well.