
I excited about portal 2 because that just means valve will have less of an excuse as to why they aren't releasing info about HLE3

If you haven't played them yet: Bioshock shock one is all about the story and lore. Bioshock 2 is all about the gameplay. Bioshock 2 was one of the few games I really full hearted enjoyed the gun/magic wielding.

Anyone else lmao to the death sequences on ign?

Feel like this could work well. Maybe enough spice to the FPS formula. Maybe gain new powers and guns are you advance through the worlds? Or even open world. Idk. But killing a werewolf and a mummy at the same time sounds fun.

This is true. I just want to see the label for what they give it.

I dont know how this is going to get past the rating board without an AO haha

Its an indie game. Which means its cheappp. Which means i'm happy. And if there are online opportunities this could be fun...

And it should be cheap too. Above all things. I'll give it a whirl.

hm. wouldve liked gameplay

What? There is no concept. They don't explain it to you. They said it happened because it happened. Nothing else to it. Its not deep. I walked in thinking it would be. Thats why i was confused.

It just seems silly to me. I kind of get the feeling if you can get in you can get out. But if you were built in that world you can't get out. Makes sense in my head. I didn't design the grid so what do I know. Maybe he would be manifested into a computer virus that takes over the world. Classic super villain stuff.

I watched this close to when i watched Inception. I was looking for ..the next Inception. In this case I didn't get it because I was looking for the wrong movie.

I enjoyed Tron. It worked well as a very long screensaver. The story, I was told before walking in, wasn't strong. After walking out i wouldn't say it was it's strong point but it did have some great set pieces.

The only thing I liked about .hack were the grunties. They. were fucking. amazing.

This looks silly. Tehe

How could I say NO?????

Really excited to see what developers can come up with from this. Do we need another next gen system? I'm not sure what it could do that we can't do now beyond more polygons.

Give hiphop a chance people. Its good. Not all the time but it can be amazing. Atmosphere? Amazing. Evidence? not for everyone but he's awesome. Me personally? I can't really get into Kid Cudi. Hes not my kind of hiphop artist. A lot of the times he's put a very upbeat beat to a song of his but just rap about

But Forza 3 was so much fun. I will say I didn't play MC:LA..
