Really loving this HS. I can't get over it's "just one more game" addiction.
Really loving this HS. I can't get over it's "just one more game" addiction.
I really love the art style of this game. I'm interested in playing it just to look at the world. Being an MMO fan makes that decision even easier.
I really love the art style of this game. I'm interested in playing it just to look at the world. Being an MMO fan makes that decision even easier.
I really love the art style of this game. I'm interested in playing it just to look at the world. Being an MMO fan makes that decision even easier.
What is a "college entrance ceremony?" Is this a graduation ceremony or something different?
This may be incredibly geeky, but I think it's absolutely wonderful. Congratulations to the happy couple!
The only thing that would've made it perfect is if he did this in a kilt.
Peter Molyneux has always reminded me of Noel Shempsky from Fraiser.
And didn't Obsidian make Knights of the Old Republic 2?
Wait. Obsidian made this game and you're surprised it has bugs and needs patches? Obsidian is synonymous with buggy games.
Empathy for the North Korean government? Seriously? The government is the entity enslaving, torturing, and murdering our fellow humans. I have the greatest empathy for the people of North Korea. I have zero feeling for the animals in control.
Please please please make a 3rd Freedom Force game. Small, high narrative focus, great game play...
I've been playing (still) XCOM: Enemy Within. Man I love this game. I also installed The Secret World and have been enjoying a few hours running around that world. I do want to go back and finish Tomb Raider. Unfortunately grad school has kept me from playing more games. :(
Never say never. The next Batman movie could certainly be as awful as Batman and Robin. I'm saying it *could*.
This gif made me crack up! Game. Set. Match. Indeed!
Can someone please strong-arm Disney into releasing Gladius HD now that they own LucasArts? Much appreciated.
I sooooo loved Archon!
I love it when players get creative with games and make them their own. Well done!
There's a thing in business, especially digital sales, called The Long Tail. It basically says there's a lot of economic value to be had selling digital items at low cost over a long period of time. The economic potential is huge with The Long Tail. I believe this economic view is the approach Valve takes to Steam…
This has officially caused death by cuteness. :)