
There is something Patricia’s writing that makes the words “dick penetration” sound scholarly.

Well done.... Well done.

I’m always amazed by how much stuff these broadcasts display on screen. There’s so much game information that you barely see the action on the field. I understand that players of the game may want to see which items everyone has but for those of us who are casual viewers all of that extra stuff is superfluous.

The opposite should’ve happened. Rather than buffing your newbie character, the game should nerf the higher character.

City of Heroes was so far ahead of its time in this regard.

Thoughts and prayers to Bain and his family during this absolute shit time.

I <3 this post so hard every time I see it.

I’m still puzzled why the 4th Holy Commandment is not the 1st. Tis a minor quibble, one I am happy to accept.

What a great story. I love stories where fandom, geek culture, video games, etc change people’s lives for the better. Much gamer love to Jason and his bride.

I love maps. I especially love game maps for all the reasons mentioned in the article. And for some reason the words “cloth map” make me swoon with delight.

I wonder if some/all of this content will be available as paid dlc in coming months....

I believe that moral people behave morally towards others. And while I do not condone caustic speech, we have to be careful as to what constitutes "hateful and harassing speech." While I believe all of us, today, can identify the speech that meets the intention of such a letter, the future may reveal people who

Come to Steam and I'll buy you.

The commentary is atrocious. Please eSports some other sport commentators to find out how to do play-by-play. Screaming into the mic is not pro.

She had me at "space."

It is amazing, I just don't like his facial expression. Garrus looks surprised...In a Doc Brown sort of way.

Oh yeah, because Xbox Live chatting isn't full of piss and swill either... Take a page out of Hearthstone and do away with all in-game communication.

Thanks for this write-up Phil. I never played KOTOR2. Played the original one and loved every delicious second of it. I had very high hopes for the 2nd one, but after about an hour of technical problems I kicked it to the curb with righteous irritation at its buggy mess. Seeing as I own the game on Steam, I may just

Great video. Really enjoyed this. Thanks Patricia.

Come on man, knowing is 2/4ths of the battle...

I hope I can watch it before it's punted from the Interwebz. If there's no visit to Tatooine, how did Qui-Gonn find Anakin so he can be determined to train him? Not looking for an answer! Just thinking out loud and expressing my curiosity to see the re-dux version. :)

The fact that Valve is pulling the game and giving a full refund refutes the notion that they don't care. Obviously they do give a shit.