While the fundamental point of this article is true (people shouldn't be dicks) I can't help but recognize that the author is very naive. You'll never end the hate that you receive. You can't take it personally nor let it affect you.
While the fundamental point of this article is true (people shouldn't be dicks) I can't help but recognize that the author is very naive. You'll never end the hate that you receive. You can't take it personally nor let it affect you.
So when does Disaster Watch 2.0 begin in earnest? If the changes were truly as systemic as is claimed here, then I expect horribleness to occur when everybody tries to play.
Truly tragic. My condolences to his friends and family.
But shooting people in 3rd person games is completely legit.
In a word....YES!!
Ryse, you're doing it wrong.
I feel like a cat chasing a laser pointer.
As if I needed another reason to lose weeks of my life to Civ. Oh who am I kidding? Sign me up!!
Why would he and his family "return to Mordor?" To do what? Setup a nice little bungalow and grow corn?
I agree. Loved Bioshock. Couldn't wait for Infinite. Got halfway through Infinite and said "meh" and stopped. No desire, right now, to return.
What a great write-up Stephen. I agree you, and Kotaku, were completely fair in your initial reporting. Yes Orth made a giant mistake and the fire he took wasn't always fair, but I'm glad to see he did something positive with it.
Well it doesn't help that the cover for this issue is just terrible.
I've wanted to play this game. Now that it's on PC I think I will.
Yes! I think about this bit every time I hear about the video game.
Probably nothing but script kiddies thinking they're cool. These hackers fail at life.
The entire Citadel DLC is absolutely amazing. Every fan of the series should play this at least once.
Who is doing the saturation? Steam or the insure developers?
What a fantastic read! This seems silly on the surface, but then you realize how people's lives have been touched (not too mention the fun those stuffed fellas must've had on their vacations) and you...*sniff*... fight back the tears...*sniff*...
I just have something in my eye...*sniff*...
I really enjoyed Mirror's Edge. It's been awhile since I played it but I seem to remember not liking the end of the game (just a boss battle after all). Other than that, loved the rest.
I would just like to point out that Lord of the Rings Online should be added to the (short) list of successful MMO launches.