
It's called socialism. What you're talking about has historically shown to work in the exact opposite way. Why should I bother to do exceptional work if I'll always get paid the same regardless? I can just do the bare minimum and be done with it. Why should I bother to seek out more responsibility and increase my

If the company, stockholders, board of directors, etc feel Kotick is worth the money, then so be it. So some class warfare specialist doesn't like his pay package. Envy can eat away at a person's happiness.

Unless it's you being paid that. Then you'd be okay with it.

What a great article for a fellow gamer. May Mrs. Vile Rat and her family find comfort and freedom from their pain. May Mr. Vile Rat rest in peace.

Words mean something. To just refer to the attackers as "militants" lessens what they actually are. I would have preferred to see anti-American terrorists or jihadists.

I don't see this as E3 losing importance, but rather Nintendo losing importance. They have nothing to show. They're in stiff competition with the likes of Apple and Android in the mobile space. They're still playing catchup with Sony and Microsoft in the console space. Nintendo probably doesn't want to spend the money

Sim City is an absolute train wreck. I can't even feel bad for Maxis. They created this mess and they continue to pour gasoline on a fire.

Outstanding! You go Keith!

And let's not forget about the many ways Lucas himself has destroyed Star Wars.... heh

He doesn't need a job. He just needs to sell these creations for major cash.

If a person has taken the time to formulate their principles to be anti-gun, then they should be intellectually honest with themselves and recognize that they shouldn't buy a game that supports real world gun manufacturers. Buying a legal product that does not hurt any other person is not immoral in any sense of the

I've been loving Mass Effect Week here on Kotaku. I think there needs to be more weeks like this with other games.

Isn't it amazing how investors manage risk by trying to determine which products (developers' games) will provide the best ROI? You mean creating quality products translates to increased revenue? Of course metacritic will come into play during this process, as I'm sure sales numbers of previous titles are looked at as

Wait. NCSoft didn't want to cause customer service complaints? Aaaand shutting the game down was what exactly? Meeting customer expectations?

You send a rubbish device to your early adopters who are your most rabid fans and then state the device isn't "review ready" only after those same fans turn on you and declare your device a failure?

A friend of mine is one of these fans. Apparently the roll out is a fiasco too with various delays, preferred backers not

I would've preferred a 3rd person game with combat similar to Mass Effect 3. I believe that would have brought the thematic elements into sharper focus while providing combat without the ultra violent contents. YMMV.

The problem is not guns nor video games. The problem is personal accountability and holding criminals responsible for their actions.

Spoken like someone clearly ignorant of not only the U.S. Constitution, but Supreme Court precedence.

Why does Tim always look like he's about to snatch a fly out of the air with his tongue?

That's my girl.