
No, I can't imagine TWD without Clem.

Clem is the heart and soul of the game. She represents the future of mankind in such a dark and terrible world. She represents the need to preserve innocence in the face of so much death and ethical depravity. Clem is there to remind us that while humans can do terrible things to

Obviously we need background checks before anyone can purchase a lightsaber in this country.

If the acting was better, I might be wanting more.

I've always been interested in these comics but have never read them. Perhaps this game (providing it's as awesome as The Walking Dead) will cause me to take the plunge and start buying some books.

Hmm.... I admit I wasn't really paying much attention to this MMO. The last thing I need is yet another MMO. I am caught up in far too many MMOs as it stands. Anyway, the game play does sound intriguing. Nice to see Bethesda (or whomever) going a different route with the quest system. Let's just hope they have enough

Arcade games of the past were more closely associated with gambling machines. Players pumped quarters like a Pavlovian dog wanting more. Besides, even those who were good at the game still had to fork over their hard earned quarters to "buy in" to the game from the get-go. We didn't pay as a penalty, we paid to

This coming from the guy that made a game that is nearly impossible to play. All this would do is encourage developers to create games that are so hard for people to play that everybody sucks at it. And who is the arbiter of who sucks and who doesn't? The RP'er who takes six months to level from 1 to 30 in WoW could

So violent games do not produce violent people? I concur. Now can everybody admit that guns don't kill people? Let's hold *people* accountable for their actions and not objects. Video games and guns are not the problem. Crazy, immoral, and sadistic people wishing to do harm to their fellow man are the problem.

Just think....if the fiasco launch had been avoided, then perhaps 3 million copies could've been sold. Oh well. I'm done with Sim City. Bioshock Infinite here I come!

Downloading the game now. And....oh look at that! Valve seems to be able to handle the launch of a major title game just fine. EA can stand to learn a thing or ten from Team Valve.

Can't wait to start playing. I absolutely loved the original Bioshock. I'm thinking Ken Levine just may be the Maynard James Keenan of the

He does have that Dick-Van-Dyke-Dancing-Through-Marry-Poppins look.

This would be awesome....if you could actually sign in and download comics. I had no idea this was being offered, but I purchased a couple of comics on the fly. Haven't been able to download them in 4 hours. Now if I try to "log in" it says the login has failed. When I was able to log in, the app kept telling me I had

Turbine had a great track record with their online multiplayer launches. Lord of the Rings Online was flawless (at least from a player perspective). DDO was smooth too. So it *is* possible, provided your infrastructure team knows what they're doing and has planned accordingly. Obviously Maxis'/EA's infrastructure team

World of Warcraft was completely fuxxored for the first week of its launch.

I just want great stories and great characters. I don't see characters in terms of their color. I find it sad that so many critics of the video game medium do. I also find it particularly sad that there are those within the media cheering diversity through racial segregation of its content creators.

I don't need to walk in every direction, I just need to mount a keyboard and mouse on the top of a treadmill and just walk while playing games. I can still go to the gym, but when playing games I'll know that I'm still getting in some workout time.

Of course it is.

Just got the Galaxy Note II and I absolutely love it. Best phone I've ever owned. But this Note 8.0 is a little redonkulous.

Haha! Jason must absolutely loathe Fox News. He digs deep to say anything negative about FN just because there's an article about a video game. The actual article is extremely benign and is clearly reporting and offering no editorial analysis about the game itself. Here we have Jason clamoring to inject his own

So a black character who doesn't speak ebonics is a white character in black face?