
So let's ban the sun. Some people are allergic to solar radiation. If sunlight isn't good for everyone it can't be good then. All those green leafy things can just do without.

No. It doesn't mean it's always worse for some. Buy a hamburger and tell me who is worse off for you doing so. At best, it's the cow. But hundreds of people benefit in the process of bringing you a hamburger to buy and in the end your want is satisfied and all those people made a living in the process.

It is great. It's a source of conflict. It's an event that won't last long and will result in other players attempting to stop it for the good of the universe. What's not to love.

I would love to see Secret Wars (Marvel) done up in Freedom Force (Irrational Games) style.

BWAHAHA! Oh that's a good one.

Ha! Too true. Too true.

Wait. Organics vs machines is a "subplot"? Since when?

I'm excited about this. Although I have my suspicions. THQ is going to feel incredible pressure to get the game out in order to generate revenue. This could lead to the game not being finished, full of bugs, or simply weak on story/gameplay. A roleplaying game on the precipice of being an absolutely amazing gaming


Xbox Live is an utterly terrible environment for a self respecting mature adult, let alone a child.

I'm sure some politician is salivating at the opportunity to create some new government program designed to protect society. He'll say it's "for the children" and people will flock to support it. Then we'll have to pay taxes and we'll get increased government intrusion into our lives.

I'm curious. In the previous two ME games were the endings of each game not the same? Didn't everyone kill Sovereign and didn't everyone end the Collector threat? So in ME3 all endings include the "death" of Shep, the destruction of the Mass Effect relays and the Citadel, and the end of the Reaper threat.

Hey Child's Play. Shut. Up. If the donations are legitimate it shouldn't matter why people are giving. What kind of bad publicity are you getting? I'm waiting. I hawk gaming news constantly and have not once heard about people complaining about this particular drive.

I absolutely love this music and the emotions it evoked during the game's final moments. Even though I find it quite beautiful, hearing it still conjures those emotions and makes me sad. :(

Wow! This is huge! Bravo, I say. Bravo.

Stored for posterity by Braniac.

This is the ending I wanted for Shep the moment Mass Effect 3 was announced. I love the fact that Shep passes into legend, he in essence, rises to the status of mythological characters like Christ, Moses, Perseus, Hercules, etc. I didn't want Shepard to live, Shepard doesn't grow old living in an old-folks-home

I liked the fact that I really had to think about my final choice in the game. However I felt my choice wasn't really a choice.

I love Mass Effect. I'm not pissed. I am disappointed in how the series ended. Not with Commander Shepard—his/her story ended the way I needed it to end, but Bioware literally destroys the entire setting with the ending. The destruction of the entire Mass Effect setting is disappointing. Enough to illicit nerdrage? I

No spoilers. With so much going on in the universe with different races, factions, and the characters in your squad, the game doesn't provide absolute closure from a story perspective. A lot of it is sort of left to your own imagination. With that said, there are a few "WTH?" moments with the ending that just don't