
Freedom Force 3 please.

"...supporting the community should any mergencies..."

Or could it simply be that Obsidian is an average shop? They have a track record of taking an existing game and somehow making it worse. But because they're working with pre-existing material their game isn't "horrible", just a let down to what came before in the particular franchise Obsidian has decided to kit-bash

Hell hath no fury like nerdrage.

They didn't put it in because of Fox. They put it in because sooo many gamers have enjoyed the relationships in the game.

The animations are bad enough when Shepard *crosses his/her arms* let alone gets his sex-game on. I could care less about the sex scenes and more about the general story to save the universe.

Because certainly Activision has whipped Blizzard into more timely releases over the past few years?

Post hoc ergo propter hoc.

I want all this! Yes!

Definitely a day one purchase for me. I love the aesthetic. The gameplay looks fantastic.

So they develop the game. Are able to develop DLC for it, but get if finished in time for the game to go Gold. They include the DLC on said disk, but then lock a portion of what we've already purchased on the physical media we now own.

ROFL! Love it. I about spit my drink all over my monitor.

There's a Pokemon video game championship?

Nobody cares what Ebert has to say about video games, except Ebert. Ebert is simply trying his best to be relevant in the entertainment arena where he is consistently irrelevant. He's just a troll.

I never knew a colon was used in any language as a pronunciation...thing.

Well this explains the cancellation of Blizzcon.

If you don't like the games, don't play them. But don't begrudge those within our community who do enjoy Blizzard games.

Yes. A company is about making money and staying profitable. If it wasn't, the expenditure of resources could drag the company down the tubes and then we wouldn't have WoW, Diablo III, Starcraft, etc.

Capitalism is an economic system. Not a form of government.

Um, no. What you're advocating for is literally mob rule.