
I really wish people would stop lamenting the poor comic shop if digital comics take hold.

@MrSnuffles: I don't think Torchlight ever had online co-op did it?

You're not a hoarder. Not even close. So you have a collection of video games. Big whoop. Perhaps you should compare your video game collection to ... say ... your wife's shoe collection.

@Lazthelost: Probably because the maker is a fan of Killzone? It may not be your cup of tea, but it's his.

I don't think people actually give Heavy Rain its due credit. The game really offered a unique blend of mechanics, storytelling, and aesthetics to create something truly unique. I enjoyed Red Dead, but Rain really took a huge risk in its game design and did a tremendous job in executing it.

I think the people involved need to review their definition of "friend." Sounds like everyone in this deaf guy's life are merely acquaintences.

Shogun Total War and Dragon Age 2 are definates. DC Universe, Bulletstorm, and Dead Space 2 are possibilities.

Man up, get some testicular fortitude, and quit talking to the press if you want to avoid the press.

@xoda000: I've heard similar things. I see a F2P sometime in DCU's future. No way I'd buy a lifetime sub.

@tyrizzle: You do know it's an MMO right?

Risk is great and all, but where's my Space Hulk board game?

Nobody has "Bill Cosby: Himself"? That's just sad.

Is this what we've come to now? Visual upgrades as a "bonus" for buying a CE?

@godot: You can't win a war by wishing your enemy fights fair, and you can't win a war by creating more undue risk for yourself.

@godot: The point isn't whether or not the journalists were with terrorists. The point is that the journalists willfully placed themselves in a warzone where death is prevalent. If you knowingly walk into a warzone, you better understand that your death can come at any moment (from friendly fire or otherwise).

@metalspector: As an American, if what you say is true, it's downright shameful. But one question: If your military and economic importance has dwindeled, how is that a good thing? Personally I believe that all societies should be free, free to live as they please and free to develop a vibrant economy and the means to

Wait. You mean war is gruesome? Really Kotaku? Who would've thought! Someone tell me exactly why I should feel sorry for some journalists who put themselves in a warzone and then get gunned down? It's a "warzone".

Oh great. Blizzard is finally discussing a game that won't see the light of day for another 5 years.

Absolutely love Total War. Can't wait for this game! I intend to lose a lot of sleep when it launches.

Love the art work. May have to check it out.